Well I am sitting in my new 'spot in the house' my bed. The tv in the living room isn't working and the pvr in my bedroom isn't working. Monte spent an hour on the phone with effing pathetic Telus whilst I was away. They were working when he hung up with them. I really really, to the power of infinity, HATE HATE HATE optic tv. It totally sucks. I want a cable I screw into the wall. (super huge shovel list)
It is ten pm and I am sipping sleepy time tea with lemon honey and ginger (from a massive jar of it from Costco). Six carbs. Gotta count them. My blood sugar very quickly hit the low fives as soon as I started eating right. Gotta try to keep it there. I did get an extra week of pills from the awesomest pharmacist in the whole world but I still have to go to a doctor and go to the lab. Grrrrr.......
I have kept up with my resolution to spend at least two hours every day on something or other. I drag my red rolly chair around with me from task to task. Today Ange brought up a load of cat littler boxes, due to the weight of cat litter the boxes are super strong and not too huge.
We attacked my big massive pantry cupboard. It should be a linen cupboard. We filled six or eight boxes with 2024-2025 due date dry goods. Brownie mixes, a whole cardboard box of Betty Crocker scalloped potatoes and instant mashed potatoes. About eight cake mixes. All kinds of bags of beans and soup mix beans. Oatmeal, cornmeal, cassava flour (what the hell was I thinking?) all kinds of puddings, wafer crumbs for pie crusts...some of it was dated 2022. I used to cook a lot for my once a month dinner parties for twelve, then covid hit. Anyway Monte shall take it all to the Sally Ann.
I also made curried chicken and a massive salad for dinner. It was so good! I found two...not one, but two massive club house unopened spice containers of curry powder. So I used that. It was really good. The curry flavour reminded me of Mom's curry.
I talked to the girls today. Long convos with each. We are getting ready for the women's retreat, coming up Feb. 7. This year it is in Chilliwack.
April went shopping prexmas at super store. If you buy more than 250 bucks or something like that, they give you a box of groceries or something for free. She came home with a giant frozen turkey! It barely fit into their tiny fridge freezer. She had the brilliant idea to take it to the retreat, I will bring my turkey roaster and a crock pot full of stuffing and cranberry jelly and soft fresh white bread (or sourdough) and cook the thing the first night and debone it for sammiches. mmmmmmm. There will be about 18 ladies there! We are all looking so forward to this retreat. We haven't had one since covid and it is time.
Well I shall sign off here...I need to research food banks in this town before I get too tired. My sleepy time tea is probably mostly psychological but I choose to believe the valerian root in it will actually make me sleepy. So goodnight folks..TFL & TTYL