Sunday, February 16, 2014


We had a wonderful day yesterday.  We went down for their buffet breakfast with their millions of choices.  We then lazed around our room for a while reading and watching the olympics.

When we finally left we stepped out of our hotel lobby door, turned the corner and hopped onto the Star Ferry to the other side.  We then hopped onto a Big Bus and went all the way out to Stanley Market.  What an awesome place!  We lunched, shopped and made friends and rode the bus back to the ferry.

Last night we decided to go to the sumptuous extravagant  seafood/beef buffet downstairs.  It was truly remarkable.  Lobster, crab, whelk (giant escargot..and I mean giant) sea cucumber, jelly fish, oysters 100 ways, sashimi and clams.  And there was kobe beef, duck, prawns and on and on.  The desert table was crazy!!!  Macaroons, ice-cream, chocolate fountain and more.

About one in the morning I was awakened by a very very sick Spod.  That poor guy barfed until I thought he was going to die!  He couldn't even talk without heaving.  And he did this every hour until morning.  And this is only the second time in his whole life he has puked…so it was scary and new for him.  Now he is all shaky and wobbly but seems to be on the mend.  Poor guy!

Now we are packing up and getting ready to transfer over to the ship.  Thank heavens for concierges.  They will get our luggage and get us a car.  Magic people!  

I love that moment when you get on the ship and find your room and walk in and shut the door.  Its an awesome feeling knowing you are there for the next while and nothing but great things will happen for at least two weeks…at least until we start running into the cruisers.  Ah well….more about that later!!!!  TTYL

1 comment:

  1. Poor Spod! What a horrible experience. I have been there, in a Paris hotel room after eating underdone chicken with some sort of red sauce. Had it going both ways all night. And Paris is NOT the place to have to see a doc! I sure hope he is feeling better...
