Tuesday, July 15, 2014


I got a call from my eldest daughter today, checking to see if I was still alive.  Apparently she reads my blog and I hadn't posted in a while, which is true.  Normally I try to post at least every other day but if I am not happy or haven't done anything worth talking about I just don't post.  Nothing worse than a boring blog and I don't want to revert to outright lies and exaggeration.

SAD:  This is really sad, really really sad.  In fact I am tearing up just writing this.  Monte made the heartbreaking but very mature decision to give up Keenai.  Keenai is a very high maintenance dog with some very difficult behaviours.  Bottom line, the dog is not happy.  He needs an owner that is able to spend hours and hours training him, and he needs an owner who has crazy amounts of money to take him to vets over and over to get to the bottom of health issues (like not eating) and he needs a home where there is tons of room for him to roam free, a home with children and other dogs.  Keenai is not happy at Monte's and Monte, even though he loves the dog more than anything in the world, made the difficult decision to let the dog get a better more suitable home and owner.  And ever since he made the decision he's been crying.  Jeez!!  Me too…I loved that dog but he just isn't happy.

Monte took him back to the Errington Spca…the most awesome SPCA in BC.  They are truly amazing and understanding people.  And true to form they totally understood the situation and said they had a number of people looking for a dog like Keenai with lots of space and kids etc…They had Monte write out all the awesome things about the dog and all his special needs.  Monte gave them the big crate, leashes, dishes, food, beds, yard runs and a huge donation.  Pat, Monte's friend who went with him, told me he was pretty distraught and the fellow at the SPCA was truly understanding and comforting.  Okay I don't want to talk about this anymore.

ANNOYED:  I just can't seem to get anything, renos etc… started, figured out, decisions made etc…  So annoying (shovel list).  Partly its because I just don't know what to actually tell a potential contractor and why would they want to piddle around with a weeny project like mine and I can't decide what needs to be done first, and I can't seem to make my mind up on the flooring and tile and vanities etc…and I JUST WANT MY ELLIOTT BACK …  WAHHHHH!!!! It was so much easier when I could just call that lovely man, whine and cry to him, tell him what I want and he would magically pop out samples and brochures and BOOM! I would have a new bathroom or floor or deck or whatever. 

Spod built a wonderful little outdoor coffee table for our back deck…the one we can't use until at least seven at night cuz of the insane heat and sun out there.  I will take a pic and put it on here.  I love that deck, if only it weren't rendered useless for most of the light of day.

Spod went to Vancouver on Sunday for one night. He had a doctor appointment, and he has to go back next Wed.  I think I will go with him.  I will arrange for Aryn, April and significant others to meet us for dinner somewhere.  On Thursday we are going to meet Aryn at Ikea and take a look at the kitchen I am going to buy and Aryn is going to build.  So, exciting times ahead…'sigh'.

Actually I think I am going through an empty nest syndrome attack.  All my kids are gone and none of them are moving back.  This really is the very first time Spod and I have lived alone….ever.  And its weird.  The house stays clean longer.  I am actually losing a little weight, just from not having food around, I run around in my underwear all day long, I don't put my teeth in until after noon….or my first meal of the day…, which all seems good but I would rather have to put in teeth, get dressed and overeat.  I miss them.  This house is very quiet and out here in hinterland it feels very cut off from everyone and everything.

Well I go now.  TTYL


  1. I'm sorry you are sad..:-(. Your deck is lovely! Especially the new table...

  2. Our deck used to be useless too because of the heat (or rain) until we put a roof over it...now we're out there day and night- the best money we spent!
