Thursday, August 28, 2014


Poor Spod.  He is so so sick.  We are in North Van right now in a hotel room.  We saw the doctor yesterday and he took me aside and has pretty much told me he believes it to be a tumour in his tummy.  I suggested diabetes damage or stomach ulcer, anything but that but he just kind of shook his head.  I don't know.  We are scheduling a private MRI for this morning, hopefully, and later today the doctor said he should have the report.  I am not sure where we go from there or how.  I guess we just have to wait.

For now though we are continuing on, making plans for the spring, the next trip, planning more renos for the house….business as usual.  He has been talking alot about going to Bermuda on a cruise that starts in New York, one of our fave cities.  But, unless he improves drastically we won't be going anywhere.

Yesterday April was with us.  She challenged me to the ice bucket thingy for ALS.  So we did it in the tub here in the hotel.  We made Spod video it with April's iphone.  He got such a kick out of that…a much needed moment of fun (although I myself was not having fun thank you very much).  I think that once we actually know whats wrong and what the plan of action is going to be I can throw some fun distractions in here and there for him…not involving ice cold water.

Mostly now he sleeps.  He quit eating a few days  ago.  I have managed to get him to eat the odd thing…like a sliced peach with cream, last nite a small cup of tomato soup from Safeway..his favourite, but really not much.  And then it doesn't stay down.  At least he can drink water and ginger ale.  Tandy made him mint tea and he kept that down too.

Okay, I promise this isn't going to turn into a long drawn out moment by moment description of illness.  I shall keep you posted about diagnosis and plan.  Hopefully later today we will have better news than what Myron thinks.  TTYL


  1. I sincerely hope the news is not as dire as the Dr. fears. And I am not worried about what you choose to describe or not... you put down on this blog whatever you have a mind to. You make us laugh and you make us think. You write about whatever the heck you want/need to. At least that how I feel. We will be praying your Spod gets some relief soon.
