Monday, February 9, 2015


I flew out of chair this morning and started cleaning.  A baby was coming!!!  Jocelyn, Dorothy and baby Ainsley were on the eleven ferry.  So I whipped around and vacuumed and dusted and dishes and bathrooms and kicked Monte out the big bedroom and made a bed, put stuff away etc….I had Monte move vehicles, vacuum, move stuff etc…and before you knew it the place was ready.

We visited and passed the baby and nibbled on soup and crackers (found out that there was a ton of sugar in tomato soup so no more of that for me {shovel list}).  Later Dorothy and I hit the market and drug store for a little grocery shopping and back home.  Monte and Emily, who had arrived a little earlier, headed down to get sushi for dinner.  We then sat around and gossiped and watched the grammys.

Monte was stopped by the police last night and was told he was driving on a suspended license, since Dec.  The cop wrote out a 276.00 ticket and made him have his car towed home for 185 bucks. And the thing is….there is no way his license is suspended …  unless….back in the end of Octoberish he got notice from ICBC he had forty days to go to his doctor, get a bunch of forms signed saying he was capable of driving with the drugs he was taking, and the doctor had to send them in.  He immediately went up to Port and took care of it.  I find it somewhat coincidental  that his license was suspended around the forty day mark.  Methinks the doc didn't send in the paperwork, or ICBC didn't get it done properly.  Either way Monte is going to have to figure this out and see whats up.  What a pain in the ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday Emily came out and gave Monte and me a hand in the garage.  Soon after she left Monte headed downtown too.  So I went into the garage and fine tuned the cleaning.  I am so happy.  There is still lots to do but its pretty clear sailing.  I have finally got just the right corner/spot to put packed ready to move labelled boxes.  I will do quite a bit of the packing, but I will let Beakins pack up the kitchen and all the knick knacks and closets and drawers.  I am feeling a bit better.  I will feel much better when the kitchen and bathrooms are finished. 

Now, a word about Ainsley.  She is the cutest little thing.  She is seven months old, totally looks like Daddy and today she really started to do pat a cake.  When I first started clapping and singing, she kind of clapped and then stopped.  A few hours later she was totally clapping all the way through the song right to the end.  I didn't even have to clap.  As soon as I started to sing the song she would start clapping!  Tomorrow night I will post a bunch of pics here.  I hope this is making her Omy (my sister) very very jealous!!!  TTYL 

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