Monday, April 4, 2016


Ayeyiyiyi!  Soooooo much paper work.  Now I don't claim to be the sharpest pencil in the pencil case but I am no dummy either.  And I have been sending things off to accountants since 1982...and it never gets easier.  In fact I spent this week end in a state of confusion alternating with panic.  I know there are lots of people out there with an IQ of about 100.  How do they survive?  Does revcan give them a break I don't know about?  They must!  I don't even DO the taxes, I have a hell of time just getting the crap together for the guy who DOES do them.  Accountants are gods....unless they are not.

Thank goodness Monte and I sorted all the paper work in this house.  By doing so I knew absolutely what papers were ready and what ones had disappeared forever somehow.  And we have learned the hard way that if you miss declaring even one dime those bastards will come after you with a vengeance and take your first born if they have to.  

So I spent a great portion of the weekend sitting at the dining room table going through files, printing off charitable donation receipts, reading bank statements, finding missing bits etc.  I made a trip to the bank and ordered two new T5's that mysteriously disappeared.  I hopped into the post office and paid twenty five bucks to express post the whole mess down to Aryn.  Bless her heart.  She is adding some stuff and taking it to our accountant.  Feels good to have it done though.

Other than that I don't have huge amounts to report.  I think I am going to have to do something about people coming to the door though.  Its so annoying.  Random people selling stuff or offering services or soliciting donations, constantly come to the door.  This was not something that happened much in Vancouver but here in Kamloops the front door is fair game.

Today I was busy.  I was finishing the taxes, I was paying bills online, I was on the phone a whole lot with peeps and the stupid doorbell kept going off. (Big time shovel list)   JW's (really!  I couldn't believe it was them, haven't seen them in yonks), girl guides selling cookies, an old dude looking for cancer donations (he was lucky I had my phone to my ear or.....), my landscaping guy, food bank......where is Parker when I need him?!!!  I think I will put up a fence and a gate with a big keep out sign.  I am slowly but surely becoming one of those weird hermitty people that just wants to be left alone.

Thats all I have to report for now.  I am tired and I think I am going to hit the sack early.  I always wake up around three and thats it...can't go back to sleep.  Means I get too tired too early in the evening.  Nitynite!!  TTYL


  1. Put a "No Soliciting" sign on the front door - then they can't bug you :)

  2. That's what I was gonna say. Simple little sign you can buy at the hardware store - only delivery people should be knocking after that

  3. Put up a sign that says "beware of nudist". But first send the girl guides my way! I want some cooookies!!!!!
