Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Well the boys delivered.  We now have more cherries than I know what to do with!!!  And they are delicious!  The only fruit I like as much or more are those purple plums when they are really delicious when super ripe.

I haven't done anything with them but eat a lot.  I need to bag them up and freeze them.  I went out and took a look in the upright freezer I have, I can't remember the last time I looked in there, and was shocked to see it full!!!  What the hell?  Upon closer inspection I see stuff I have no recollection putting in there...salmon burgers, organic hamburger meat, tv dinners (I remember those), meatballs, dry ribs, icecream (all crystally and gross), yorkshire puddings (I remember those!), a giant box of tart shells and on and on....  no room for cherries.

And speaking of an abundance of stuff, you should see the garden.  The spinach and chard are out of control.  We can't keep up with it.  Time to chop and freeze.  I am going to toss stuff out of the freezer and make room for it all.  Greenery is a lot better to have in your freezer than dry ribs.

I went to the notary.  Sigh.  We arrive (I can't drive yet so Monte drove me), arrive five minutes early, hop out of the car and go up to the door.  Its locked.  Not only locked, but the office is totally furniture...nothing!  What????  So I go back to the van get my phone and google it.  Nope! the website had the same address.  So I phoned them and got their answering machine.  I left a very abrupt, not so nice message about how there was no sign on the window or indication on their website, how the hell are we supposed to have an appointment?...blah blah blah....then waited for them to call me.

Then Monte carefully (I was in a steaming fit at this point) suggested that maybe their office was on the little road just below, which is kind of identical.  The road formation right there is like a capital F.  We were on the top line.  I swore I had never been on the lower road but what the heck...lets check.  And yup...there it was.  I was wrong.  Shit...I had to go in and eat crow.  Stupid!!!

Somewhere along here I got a call from Uncle Gordon!!  They were coming this way and would like to stay a few days!!! So excited!!  I called Kathy and between us we made arrangements for their stay.

I was down at her place yesterday and visited with them and Kathy and Kerry.  It was so wonderful to see them.  We had a delicious dinner, like my fave little potatoes, green beans cooked perfectly, coleslaw and salmon.  Mmmmmm....Monte picked me up around nine.  I was pretty bagged by the time we got home and kind of collapsed in my chair in purple room.

Meanwhile...the boys had decided to make a cherry pie.  They actually sat there and pitted four cups of cherries.  On the way back from Kathy's we stopped at safeway and picked up pie crust.  Well, they made that pie!!!!  It wasn't done til midnight but they did it.  I never believed for one minute it was going to actually work but I gotta tell was beyond delicious...and it looked GOOD!!!  I haven't had the courage to go out and look at the kitchen just yet this morning!

Well I must go and get the watering done and check out the kitchen.  If its bad I will be dragging a large person out of bed to gitterdone!!!  TTYL

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