Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Well, starting with the 'c' word, I apologize to my more delicate readers, I am actually referring to that 'c' word.

Right as we were dishing up the delicious turkey dinner we all had a hand in, there was a knock on the front door.  I was the only one dished and sitting in the front room. (thats because I insist on having the pope's nose (or parson if you must) of the turkey and the only way to ensure that is to be FIRST in the food line).

At the door was the neighbour lady, again, asking us to move Monte's van, that they need the parking spots in front of their house and in front of Pat's house.  WHAT??  and this was the second time this had happened since we got here.  We said no the first time and this time I said no again.  He is eating I told her and as he is parked in front of Pat's he won't be moving.  Not only that, anyone can park anywhere when its street parking.  So she went away.

But....when Lonny, this lovely native lady who was dining with us, and Ange came in and I told them, they went ballistic!!  Seriously ballistic.  They both put their dinners down and barrelled outside and verbally started to yell at those neighbours, as they were unpacking their truck.  Holy Hannah!!!  I thought they were going to kill each other...I have never heard language and screaming like that in my whole entire life!  When Ange came back in to the house eventually she was positively vibrating!  And the neighbours were in absolutely no doubt about what part of the female anatomy they resembled.

The male half of the next door neighbours is absolutely huge.  Not tall so much as massive in bulk.  He got pretty mouthy with Ange and even threatened her and called her a crack head...and thats the nicest name.  The 'c' word was bandied about liberally, at a thousand decibels, and insults were hurled back and forth...very colourful ones.  Finally Pat came and got a very very reluctant Monte and hauled him outside with him and the minute that huge next door neighbour got a gander at Monte, who is much much bigger in every way, he roared into his house and shut the door.  And that was the end of that.  Jeez!  A very entertaining dinner I must say!

Every Tuesday at the first nations friendship house they have an 'everybody' welcome lunch.  Lonny and Ange invited me to come along so I did.  What a wonderful time I had.  I sat beside two elder ladies and had such a wonderful conversation with them.  Lunch was delicious and we ate to native music, which my children can tell you is really my most favourite music.  Half way through lunch the music was switched to Elvis.  I had such a lovely time and I know anytime I see those elders I will be treated like their friend.

Pat and Monte made some phone calls, drove out to the reserve and put the general word out that we were on the hunt for fish.  After almost being hosed by one couple and another deal falling through, we finally hit pay dirt.  One guy had exactly what I wanted...for a good price too.  I got fifteen enormous sockeye from him.  They were huge!  I also got four more that have been filleted, and four bags of halibut!   

Monte and I just got home.  The fish are in Bill's old fish cooler that Kathy and Kerry now own and its full of fish and salt ice.  Sue is coming up in the morning to get some.  We are just carrying on Bill's yearly tradition.  He loved to give away salmon!  Kathy has a bead on someone's freezer space we can borrow if need be thank goodness.  I didn't think this through very well!

Well I am off to get some unpacking done!  TTYL


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