Sunday, April 9, 2017


I have to make a quick little post here!!!  I am so excited!!

As you know I do not have a doctor anymore.  And the only way to see a doctor is to go to a clinic super early and stand in line and hope you get an appointment for later that day. If they fill up before you get to the head of the lineup you have to start all over again the next morning.

Or, as I am going to do, drive to Vancouver and see one there.

But...I decided to try the online doctors.  Yesterday I was at Kathy's for coffee and I mentioned this to her.  She grabbed her lappy and before you could say bob's your uncle, (or in my case dead step father) she had me signed up and ready to go.  When I got home I signed on and talked to one of the administrators and had an appointment for this morning.

And I just got off the video conference with an awesome good looking young practitioner who asked me a bunch of questions and renewed my prescriptions for the next three months!!!!!!!!!!!  OMG!!!!!   I felt like I was in Adolph Huxley's world!  Seriously!!!  I really feel like I am now in the future I used to imagine when I couldn't sleep in the night when I was a kid.  And no lineups!!!  Just had to share this.  TTYL

1 comment:

  1. Hi its me, Mrs.CamperCanada! Thank you for the Mexico info and the Maui update. Why does Canada go after capital gains when its USA property and how did they even find out about the sale? I don't see how its applicable to Canada and why they have their hand out? Our crappy realtor in Bellingham promised 10 months ago that this would be SOOOO simple and sell in no time, no problem. Yeah well, B.S.
