Friday, May 31, 2019


Man, I am loving it here.  Other than missing my peeps in Kamloops that I left behind, I think this move is one of the best things I have done in a long time.  It was a ton of work but worth every ounce.

Its such a privilege to wake up, look out the window and see mountains.  And everywhere I go I can see the ocean.  And within five minutes I am deep into trees.  And every person I see has a big smile for me.  Seriously!  Eye contact....big smiles and conversation...its kind of a miracle.  And nobody is beautiful...or too skinny....or perfect.  Just normal and not threatening and accepting.  I like going out and about and thats new for me.

And having Monte downstairs is also a miracle.  After the last year where I didn't know if I would ever see him again or if I did if he would be alive or in right mind, knowing he is safe and sound and back to his funny self is the biggest gift I could ever get.  And having the girls so close and easy access to them is gold.  Sigh.  I am just happy!  And every day I am surpassing my fifty steps on my step counter!  I am just happy.  TTYL

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