Wednesday, September 4, 2019


Guess what came to my kitchen today?  Yuppers!!!!!!  My new stove!!!  Finally!!!

I phoned the girl at the Brick who sold it to me yesterday and laid it on thick, whining and whinging about how I hadn't had a stove for ever so long and I needed one right now and how my daughter in North Van bought one a whole week or more after me and already had it in their place, and it was exactly the same stove.

  She told me that there was one,  yeah, one, in Delta.  Well I said a nasty word, which I do feel bad about, maybe, and had a hissy fit.  She then asked if I would like the floor model.  Yes please I said and today it arrived.  I stole a rack out of the old oven for camping and they hauled that stove  away.  So now I have a brand new one, at the ready, just waiting for yummy things to be baked!

But, no table in sight.  I phoned, yet again, to Wayfair.  The last batch of calls I was told that they would hunt through the warehouse in Victoria and find it.  The tracking showed it arrived there on August 6th.

Today I called him, and said where the hell is my table?  I mean how hard can it be to find a seven foot dining table?

So you know what gall he had to tell me?  Well it is between here and Boston where it originated and it has to cross the border you know and that can just simply take time.  WTF!!!!????  No, I patiently responded, IT'S ALREADY HERE!  IN VICTORIA WAREHOUSE! I HAVE AN EMAIL SAYING SO!!!  WANT ME TO SEND IT TO YOU?

Well the poor sod...he started to stutter and stammer and back track and mumble nonsensical stuff.  I finally interrupted and said, "You lost it and have sent me another one haven't you?"  "Well yes," he answers.  Achh fer geez!!!!  So I just have to wait.

I made a  trip into bylaw at city hall.  I paid my garbage effing bill then went downstairs to the bylaw people.  I first addressed the dog park thing and got totally stonewalled by an overweight, old geezer who just simply kept saying that he had been in other towns and dog parks are not monitored.  That there is no way to word it in the bylaws to make it possible.  Idiot. 

 So then before leaving, I showed him the date stamp on the garbage ticket envelope, a full week later than the date on the actual ticket.  So I put it back in my purse and said, and I quote, "and lastly, would you please pass a message on to the officers slithering around in the middle of the night looking for garbage receptacles, just for the purpose of writing a ticket, to get the time sensitive item into the freaking mail within the fourteen day deadline?  It just shouldn't be that hard, or maybe it is a braindead profession after all."  Then I left.  And I am pretty sure I heard the girl at the desk snicker.

The next ticket I get will be for not having a license for Wrangler.  I refuse to pay some fat cat useless vet for a paper saying Wrangler is neutered.  I think I will just drag him in there and upend him and let them look.  Way cheaper and just as effective.

Cookie this next bit is for you....I remembered that I had bought a beautiful braided runner, basically red was the predominant colour.  So I put it in the kitchen.  It exactly runs from the dining room door to the stove.  Fits perfectly.  I will take a pic. 

 And you know that giant (you maybe don't as you didn't see the bunkbed room in Kamloops) pink and blue and yellow braided oval room rug?  Well I have put it in the dining room!  Its perfect!  The table will look fantastic on it.  I might not have done it though if I didn't have a housekeeper who will keep it all clean and lovely.

All for now.  TTYL



  1. Rugs look awesome! You showed me a pic of the oval rug :). I am coming back for cinnamon buns and all that other stuff! Lol! And I don't take that long at home to get ready for the day. I was on vacation. :) :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. I know you're talking about ME Mother!!!! Well, they're starting to win me over as they have now banned selling handguns in Alaska (the only State they were doing that in) and ammunition for assault rifles in all stores and other good deeds when it comes to this topic. They have also asked customers to not carry guns in their stores. Progress!!! Too bad 20 people had to die in one of their stores for this to happen but the point is they're doing something about it
