Thursday, June 11, 2020


Well its our Peter's birthday today!  All the boys are 29 now!  Monte will be 30 on the 27th this month, Graeme in March and Peter a year from now.  Graeme, bless him, fixed our bbq, or at least told us what we were doing wrong, so its our first bbq tonight.  T-bone steaks, giant shrimp, zucchini and salad.  Dessert is peach and cream crepes.  We are going to start cooking here pretty quick.

Monte and I have made a couple of trips out and about.  Other than going out on logging roads, which is my fave, there really aren't a whole lot of places to go.  I did go to the lab to see if I should make an appointment.  I signed up on line to do it but no matter what I did it took me to Ontario for a lab there.  So I went to the lab and they told me what to do.  So tomorrow morning, bright and early, off I go.  

Well I got some really good news in my email today!  It was a formal, addressed to me specifically, notice that my upcoming cruise is CANCELLED!!!  They offered a future cruise credit of 25% extra, which is simply not enough.  I also get the choice to get every dime of my money back.  That is the option I am going for!  If it had been 50% like some cruise lines I might have considered it I can stop worrying about it now and start watching my credit card statement.

Jeez I am watching the news in the back ground.  They are talking about taking down historical figures, looking at our history through modern eyes.  Sooooo stupid in my opinion.  Our history is our history and what was happening back then was era appropriate and isn't going to change if you rip down statues.  April was saying that right now in the lower mainland there is a push to take down Captain Vancouver's monument and Gassy Jack's.  I so strongly disagree with this.  Are they going to change Vancouver city's name?  I think not so what's the point?

Well its time to get cooking and setting of table.  I shall put my last two days pics below.  Not stellar I tell you!  Stay healthy and safe peeps.  TTYL

Okay, as usual blogspot is giving me endless trouble.  It won't let me post pics. So I am going to post this then try again after.  Sorry.


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