As I sit in my awesome comfy chair and survey out my front room window, something occurred to me. For whatever reason, four neighbours have hung their laundry on their clotheslines. From those clotheslines I can tell so much!
I can tell if the hanger upper is married, single, with kids, kidless. I can tell if they are picky and separate their clothes into colours or darks and light to wash. I can tell by the order they choose to hang their stuff if they are o.c.d. or not. Take my next door neighbour. Only men's clothes get hung up. His towels and sheets are definitely NOT pink, all dark colours. And he washes every Friday morning, clockwork.
My analysis of that is he is single, his clothes choices are a staid older man, and he hangs six black tight boxer brief type under shorts, four black pairs of socks, individually, four t-shirts, three pairs of khaki knee length shorts. So this staid older man is O.C.D. and extremely methodical. And his name is Harry. I didn't get that from his laundry, I know him. haha!!!
But seriously, I am looking at the neighbour across the street. I don't know those people. Her laundry was hung out this morning. It is clearly the weekly house laundry. Billowing white sheets, dusty pink towels, five striped dish cloths, five matching dish towels. Me thinks this is also an older household...a pretty traditional one. No surprises on her clothes line.
Anyway as you can probably tell by now my life has become so mundane I could scream. I wake up in the morning and groan. Another day, another long stretch of tv, reading, laptopping, phone and cleaning the tiny bit of mess that happens. And I stare out the window. A lot. Thats how I noticed all the laundry on the lines.
A parcel arrived today from Amazon. It's a lava lamp. Tomorrow morning I shall set it up. So exciting. A different thing to stare at. Stay safe and be sure to noodle. TTYL
1. Create a car free zone around your house. He says that the next time you are in Manhattan look at the people walking up and down the street....carless. And they are NEVER overweight or obese. Smug bastard.
2. Eat dark chocolate. Blech!!! I hate chocolate...especially dark chocolate. But when I was grand kitty sitting I did discover your little chocolate stash in the door of your fridge!
3. Control your reaction to stress. Actually this is a good one. Stress is so extraordinarily bad for your body. He suggests you train yourself in some self hypnosis geared toward controlling your stress levels. Good advice. A life saver.
4. Get a petable pet. Yay Fred! Yay Wrangler. We got that one covered!
5. Know your heart rate. Well that's easy...I have an app and you have a fit bit.
I'm starting to think that we could have written this book.....