Monday, November 23, 2020


My rant today is this.....I read about four headline type news feeds, about ten articles per issue, daily.  I am getting very annoyed with all the articles about covid related disadvantages.  Like unhappy people that are mistreated because they medically can't wear masks, tourist industry whining because their hotels aren't full, businesses that are not making enough money, families can't get together for the sacred thanksgivings and xmases, people can't go on their three per year cruises etc....  The only one I would not include here is the inability to visit the older rellies in senior facilities.  That one I agree is totally miserable and heartbreaking.  Other than that one though I am annoyed with. Come on people!!!  It's a pandemic....crap is going to happen and trying to force the powers that be to let you open your churches, gyms, spin rooms, allow travel, no masks, turkey dinner gatherings just plain selfish and self interested.  Knock it off!!!!  We do what we have to do, and that means you too.  Quit whining.

There, rant over.  I just think about all those first liners, paramedics, firemen, police that deserve us to do what we have to do.  This isn't going to last forever and everybody's taking hits and doing their best.

Monte is still in the hospital without a definitive diagnosis.  The MRI machine was too small but he will be getting another cat scan.  Sigh.  He is getting impatient to come home.

I just went downstairs to do more laundry.  I went to go out the back door down there to put some bottles out.  The backdoor was UNLOCKED!!!!!  Holy Hannah!!!!  In this town one doesn't leave their doors unlocked, not even in the daytime when you are home, never mind at night!  The damned installers of those massive laundry machines took the old one out that door and one of the guys actually went over to be sure to lock said door.  Clearly doesn't know what he is doing.

Okay peeps...I need to do the healthy living thing now.  Stay safe and healthy and be sure to noodle!!!  That seems to work!  TTYL


1.  Read food labels...starting with the ingredients.  Okay this is a no brainer and I am sure we all already do this.

2.  Beware of added sugar.  Yeah yeah yeah

3.  Choose food over supplements.  Well I totally agree with this one.  My sister sent me a link this morning that made this simple and understandable.  I can't put links on this site easily so I googled, The One Trick That Makes All Your Meals Healthy, Eat this Not that.  Super good site.

4.  Vitamin D.....yes yes yes....We were very fortunate to have a family doctor for years who really pushed D.  He even traveled to Italy once to give a lecture on this.  We take 6,000 units per day.

5.  Eat home cooked meals.  Say what???  You mean I can't order weenies and greek salad at a restaurant?  Or Balogna sammiches?

1 comment:

  1. I already do everything EXCEPT take the Vitamin D. Gosh, I feel like I got an "A" this week. I will look into the "D" supplement.
