Monday, January 25, 2021


 I seriously expected to get some flak about my comment regarding Henry!  But I see Cc doesn't like her either...for the same reason.  At the beginning of the pandemic I happened to read the beginning of a letter on facebook.  It was written by some soccer mom and it began, 'Dear Bonnie,  Is it okay for us to call you Bonnie?  We feel like you are a valued member of our family......etc...'  Puke!!!  I already didn't like her and that just sealed the deal.

  And Sharri I would like to say its nice to have company in our dilemma...but not this time.  I think vaccinating millions was a much underestimated job by the powers that be.  And I can forgive them a little as this IS the first time we have dealt with this.

I am super excited about something.  You know how much I am drawn to 'do 100 things' lists.  I love them.  I have written 100 poems (awful ones but...well you know!). I have gotten rid of 100 things in my house.  I listed 100 healthy living tips. I also did a 52 things to improve your living conditions.  I don't think I finished that one, it was so stupid.

  And now, after doing a nano second of research online, I immediately found a new one.  I think I will probably be presenting a 100 list always now on this blog.  And as usual my caution is....just ignore it if you want.  This next one is fun.  I have only read the first five to make sure its okay. I didn't read further as I like to be surprised by the next ones. But I read enough to make sure it didn't turn into some strange perverted sex thing or something I wouldn't want to lead anyone astray or give nice people bad ideas!..this next one seems okay.

Plus, I don't think we are actually supposed to do all 100 suggestions.  We need to approach it that way or we will end up feeling like failures, which is totally counterintuitive to the whole thing.  If we end up only doing ten and reading the other 90 that is perfectly okay.  And please, feel free to give me your feed back.  If comments don't work (and it's stupid blogspot's fault that they don't) just email me.  I'd love to hear and I may pass it on here with your permission. goes.  This next one is titled: 100 Things to do in 2021.  The premise is that 2020 sucked so bad and we were totally unprepared for it.  But we know that we are stuck on huge covid limitations for at least another year...why not liven it up with doable challenges.

I hauled out my I didn't.  I clicked on my calculator icon and divided 100 by 52.  Basically we need to do 2-3 challenges per week.  So each Monday, I am changing my blog day from Tuesday to Monday, I will put in two or three new challenges.  Starting today.  And remember! This is just for fun.  If doing the challenges or if one isn't going to be pleasant for you...DON'T DO IT!  I totally believe in making yourself happy.  You are totally in control of your own happiness.  And I am going to be honest.  I will let you know if I am skipping them.  Plus I will try to take pics of the ones I choose to do.  This is all about FUN FUN FUN!!!  FUN IN '21!  (so cheesy but oh well, it rhymed...). I love creating my own happiness.  

Basically you will be doing a fun thing every three days.  But if you want to do both in one day or not do them at all that is fine.  There are no expectations or rules.  Just fun.  So here we go:

1.  COOK A CUISINE FROM A DIFFERENT COUNTRY.  Well jeepers I already do that all the time.  But in the spirit of this whole thing I am going to pick one I haven't done lately.  Russia!  I found the most awesome recipe from Russia the other day. I am going to make it.  It involves cabbage and sour cream...the two most eaten things in Russia!  I will take a pic when I get it made...even if its a fail!

2.  BAKE SOMETHING DELICIOUS.    Now I know some of you are going to think this is cheating but I am going to make a Pilsbury brownie mix.  Its the best!  But to make it more of a challenge I am going to add in walnuts.  I hate nuts in things.  But I am going to do it!

So thats not so bad so far.  But if you hate cooking, just ignore these.  There will be two more next week!

Stay safe and noodle.  Have a fun week.  TTYL


  1. I shall attempt the challenges that do not involve the kitchen LOL.

  2. I made red lentil curry tonight! I’ll have to bake a pie this weekend. The snow has me exhausted so Sunday maybe. I’m up for the challenges. Bored af
