Thursday, April 22, 2021


 I heard some anti masker freedom fighters on 4/20.  They were using the constitution as their grounds for declaring the rules in contravention of the constitution.  Really?  These people are probably the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

What about seat belts?  What about no smoking inside a workplace?  What about kids having to be in car seats of some sort until they are in college?  What about not parking in no parking zones?  What about no propane tanks on ferries?  I could go on and on and on.  There are laws.  We have to comply.

One thing most of those laws have in common is the reason those laws were formed.  And that thing is reducing harm to others than yourself.  Seat belts keep you and your passenger from going through a windshield.  No smoking saves you and the people that have no choice but to be there from damaging second hand smoke.  Car seats save babies' and toddlers' lives. Not parking where you shouldn't creates smooth logistics so the world can function.  No propane tanks on ferries.....well thats obvious.

But I think one of the big driving forces behind these types of laws is money...which is okay.  That money comes directly out of our income tax payers' pockets.  If one directly died from all those laws, then fine. They don't cost us.  But they don't all die.  They end up in hospitals being cared for by expensive doctors, nurses, meds and equipment, sometimes into the millions per individual.  Thus we make laws to mitigate the possible pain and expense.

And so it is with health decisions.  Wear a mask.  Social distance.  Stay in your home group.  Don't travel.  Stay out of closed areas.  And if you choose not to comply with those simple rules and get covid, stay out of hospitals.  You do not deserve to be looked after by front line workers or by my money.

I remember years ago, many years ago when hot dog skiing was popular.  It basically involved you throwing yourself willy nilly down a ski slope.  People got hurt.

I lived in North Van at the time one intrepid idiot chucked himself down Grouse Mountain and....paralyzed himself.  Dumbass.  But a month or so later his buddies and family were in the local mall taking up a collection for him.  This was before go fund me (shovel list).  They approached me, which was a BIG mistake!  In no uncertain terms I said it was his choice to take the risk, I already fork out a huge amount out of my taxes to just keep him alive and if he has any other expenses well boo hoo to him.  May sound harsh but this isn't a nanny state...yet.  Enough genuine accidents and legitimate things happen, we don't need to add stupid ones to it.

  Which is exactly where I categorize those 'freedom' fighters. Actually I categorize them along with flat earthers.  No way does even a very limited intelligence person believe the earth is flat.  It's all grandstanding and attention getting.  One step worse than being a covidiot is being an AGM'er in my book.

Today is a Millie day.  Consequently my house is all neat and organized!  Wednesday is always a very busy physical day for us.  Plus she missed last week so its been three weeks since she was here.  And this place showed it.  Now its just surfaces, counters, floors, turrlets, etc... She does an amazing job.  but not as good as Alice was,....I feel guilty saying that so I am whispering. 

Monte and I did the laundry room last night.  How is it laundry rooms end up being dumping grounds.  Everything I am putting off to deal with later ends up down there.  Poor Millie has to walk through there to get to Monte's turrlet...poor woman.  So Monte and I dug in and cleaned it right up.  Now it looks fantastic.  You can see clearly right down the stairs into the laundry room from the front door so its nice to have it all clean.

There was a holler at the front door yesterday, which I keep wide open now with the good weather.  What the heck?  It was Pat and in his hands was a lovely offering.  He bought us a blueberry bush!  So thoughtful.  So I am you tubing to see how to plant it.  I know one must mound
the dirt around it but other than that I have no idea.  I thought that was so thoughtful.

Well this week I have a number of big projects on the LIST.  But I am going to make room in all that for hooking.  I have not hooked since the last picture I posted.  For shame!!!!  So I am going to get on it this week.  Plus I am working on Serenade by Schubert.  Love that piece.  I will get Monte to video me playing the beginning and I will try to post it here.  Keepin' myself accountable!

four days and counting!

Have a great weekend, stay safe, noodle and talk to an oldster...make their day!  TTYL



1 comment:

  1. Agreed, agreed and agreed! I hear people like that and I have to cover my mouth(or my keyboard) or I will implode. I do get the email notices, and noted they will be stopping? So I bookmarked your blogspot and will check regularly for new postings. I have done some of the challenges including a recipe or two (and I don't usually cook) and tossing stuff I don't use. Am waiting for my 2nd Moderna shot. Still won't be hanging out in crowds..:-)
