Saturday, January 22, 2022


 Jesus H I can't seem to get through a freaking day without doing something wrong.  It's beginning to get to me.  Monte's end of the table where he sits to eat was a tremendous mess.  I offered to clean it up for him as I know how difficult it is for him to process it and get it done right.  In exchange I had him empty the dishwasher and take a load of freezer stuff downstairs and organize the downstairs freezer.

There were two large bowls on the table, both with dregs of soups he had been eating.  I scooped out the solids into the compost, dumped the liquid, washed and put away the bowls.  He came upstairs just now and loudly asked, "where's my soup?"  I threw it out I told him.  What??? There was a lot of chicken breast in there.  He was mad.  Well I didn't freaking know.  When he saw how upset I became he totally backed down, fast.  Tried to make me feel better.  I have a feeling that when you live in an effing vacuum things that happen aren't just happenings...they are EVENTS.  Jeez Louise!

I am making focaccia bread.  I haven't made it before.  But let me tell you unless you have the right size pan it isn't going to look great.  If I had a 9x9 I would have used that.  I will take a pic when I am done and put it below.

I am also making another dish that I haven't made before.  It is Polish.  It is called Haluski.  Basically it's egg noodles or gnocchi and fried cabbage and onions.  You can leave it like that or add any meat you like.  

I remember in Kamloops a friend of ours from the Czech Republic who had his girl friend make a dish from the old country.  It was fried cabbage, onion and little noodle dumplings and dill.  And it was amazingly delicious!  So, without the dill, I am hoping this will be as good.

I had the most disorienting thing happen.  About once a month I take one of Monte's pills, they knock you right out.  They are for anxiety or anti psychotics, something like that.  They are not addictive.  But some people take them for sleep.

I don't sleep.  I often have nights where I actually do not sleep at all.  And that's okay because since I was a kid I never did sleep a lot.  If I could get five hours a night I would be fine.  But alas! I don't.

Well those pills knock me out for a good long period, sometimes up to 36 hours, off and on.  I make sure I don't take one when I have anything I must do in the next two days.  So, the other night I decided it was time.  I have gone through several nights of no sleep.  Cat napping.  My sleep app that I use backs that up.

So around ten at night I took one.  By twelve I was out for the count.  I did wake up occasionally to use the loo but went right back to sleep.  This went on for all the next day and night.  I would wake up for a short while then pass out again.  But finally I woke up, a little more than before. I looked at the time and it was seven in the morning.  I got my laptop and started to do emails etc... I kept looking out the window and it wasn't getting light but it was only seven thirty.  After a few minutes I decided to watch Global Morning News.  I turned the channel and it was a paid infomercial.  What??  I checked my computer and it said Friday.  Did I miss seeing there was a holiday.  And now it's nine and still dark out.  I freaked out and messaged Aryn and asked where was the news and why wasn't it getting light?  She answers back asking what vortex I was in!  Hahaha!!  Then Monte came upstairs and told me it was evening, not morning.  Wow!!!  Now I know what it's like to be gaslit (or is it gaslighted).  I was so disoriented.  But shortly after I went right back to sleep til morning.  I am full of energy today, thus the cooking!

I think Mont and I are going to go to Parksville or Qualicum tomorrow.  We will see if we can find a Wendy's or at least something different in the way of drive thru food.  We are truly getting a little cabin fevery right now.  I am jonesing for a beach and some seashell hunting. I have to check with Graeme though.  He is arriving tomorrow or Monday.  Yay!!!

Well I can tell by the smell my bread is doing well.  I must go remove it.  I shall take a pic and post it here.  Although I did peek at it and I am not proud.  I definitely need a small pan.  It sure smells good.  I will also take a pic of my haluski.  I added some ground beef to it.  We shall see.  Take care, stay safe and TTYL

“brain fart: (n.) noxious gas emitted when mainstream journalists commit their thoughts to paper.” 
― Sol Luckman, The Angel's Dictionary

I looked up gaslighting and found this.  It is so true.  Just take a minute and think about it.  Journalists can be the greatest gaslighters of all!


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