Saturday, September 17, 2022


 Sometimes something bugs me to the point where I feel like unleashing on this here blog!!!  But I don't.  I feel like this isn't where you kind folks come to get a blast of my strong vents.  So I have come up with a plan.  From now on when you see the title WARNING, you will know I am about to get  opinionated and preachy and you can totally skip the post.  And if you totally disagree, or agree, or have an opinion of your own to voice, feel free to email me and let fly!  my email is  I might start putting it down at the end of each post.  Commenting is so hard on blogspot!

And of course this has to do with the Queen's funeral.  I am not necessarily commenting on the necessity of having a Monarch.  I am commenting on her funeral.  Well, I might comment of her reign! LOL!!  I will hopefully keep it short.

There are a number of reasons I think the passing of the Queen is important.  I shall list them in point form.

1.  This is an extremely historical moment in our history.  Whether you care or don't give a whit about her, this IS history in the making.  I seem to remember there being a huge notice and pomp taken when we buried Kennedy....and he had basically nothing to do with us Canadians.  And Martin Luther King...And black history in the making has very little to do with the majority of Canadians.  You get the point.  The passing of the Queen is an historical event that I hope parents, instead of whining about having to find a babysitter to look after THEIR kids, will take the opportunity to teach them about it so they will remember when they grow up.

2.  Please my American friends, please don't take this the wrong way but being part of the Commonwealth and having the monarchy our head of state is simply part of our unique identity.  This sets us apart from our southern neighbours, and I am quite content to be separate from their identity, as I am sure they are from Canadians.

3.  I heard on the news this morning  the latest polls identified 22% of Canadians identify with the monarchy/queen.  I have a feeling, and this really is just a feeling, many of the balance of Canadians that don't care, haven't actually travelled in Britain to any extent.  It is an amazing feeling to go to Britain where so many of our ancestors originated.  We have a connection with that.  You feel it.  Although it could be more to do with our own personal upbringing.  My dad's parents were from England and it was very evident in the food in our house, the idioms, expressions, language that we grew up with.

On Global this morning they had a person of 'higher learning', a professor from SFU expressing his opinion, which got me going on mine.  Instead of talking about the queen, monarchy or even history, all he could talk about was fentanyl deaths, colonialism and the lack of need for the monarchy.  He even mentioned how getting rid of the monarchy and commonwealth would make us identify more with the US.  In my opinion he is not only missing the entire point but as a professor, missing this opportunity to teach what an historical moment in time this is, which it is whether you are a queen supporter or not.

Thats it.  I also just want to thank my two main American friends, Sharri and Dean, for honouring her on Facebook.  I truly appreciate that.

So if you are still with me...I do have some good news, not so important but good just the same.  I found out from Ange that if you have a special need you could call this certain number and get an appointment for the latest covid vaccine, early.  I immediately called and got an appointment for Monday afternoon!!!  Monte did the same and he got an appointment for one hour from that phone call!!!! So he is done.  Ange gets hers on Tuesday.  And two weeks from now, when the vaccine takes effect, we are heading up to Penticton...where that household are antivaxxers.  I am so happy!!!!  I am still going to wear my respirators, probably will for the rest of my life, but I am happy that we will be extra protected.

Well thats it for today.  Like I said I would love any opinions, or newsies, via email.  Stay safe and be happy!!!!  Talk later!

'Everyone is our neighbour, no matter what race, creed or colour.'  Queen Elizabeth

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