Sunday, April 21, 2024


 Actually now that I think about it, these past nine days have been very uneventful!!!  The less stuff that happens the less posting I seem to do.  I keep swearing I am going to post twice a week but then don't.  Which is probably good.  You would be getting lots of ....   my hibiscus has a fungus, there is a wasp in my window, the dogwood across the street still hasn't got leaves, my housekeeper couldn't come, my ears keep ringing, I watch endless murder shows (seriously, I could kill someone now and get away with it), I seem to have stopped cooking, I gained five pounds.  Well, you get it.  So I do you a favour and stay off the blog!

We did make one decision.  Upon discussion of the upcoming Panama cruise, we decided to change it to Hawaii.  Mainly because there is no flying involved. 

 Flying for fat people is not fun.  Can you imagine the look on the poor sucker's face when he sees Monte and I descending on the poor hapless soul as we ask for seat belt extensions and squeeze into the two little seats beside him?  (shovel list). Yeah.  We decided that that's not happening. So that limits us to either Alaska or Hawaii.

And Hawaii it is.  And this time we are getting a suite.  It's actually cheaper than the balcony room on the Panama cruise.  And because we cancelled so soon I didn't lose a dime.  I think Monte will be a little happier in a bigger space.  We didn't mind the little room but I think he is a little self conscious about travelling in such close quarters with 'Mommy'.

Monte and I made an impromptu trip to Nanaimo a couple of days ago.  And I managed to NOT go into Costco.  All we did was go to Horang, which is Korean for Tiger.  It is worth the trip to Nanaimo just to get lunch there.  Fantastic interesting healthy food. 

 Trouble is I actually got carsick on the way.  I can't believe it!!!  I have never ever not once ever become carsick.  I blame that car. Smudge is like two inches off the ground and the seats are so low inside, I can't see over the dashboard.  And due to the lowness, that little sucker can corner like a hot dam!  And Monte is like over enjoying that aspect of her.  Ayyayyyai!  I'm getting queasy remembering!!! Consequently I was not hungry and barely ate my plain bowl of rice.  What a waste!  It better not happen again!

One thing I did was take care of 2.5 kilograms of chicken legs!  They were already bagged and they were 99 cents a pound.  You can't beat that!  I sent Monte to go and get them and a couple of boxes of shake and bake.  That kid can eat more chicken legs in one sitting than a hen house would be able to keep up with.  

 Bryce, Monte's friend, makes a brisket every now and then.  He trims about five pounds of pure white tallow off of it first.  And he always offers it to me.  Which of course I instantly agree to take it.  I divide it up into portions to freeze and use for gravy at the next roasty dinner!

Well thats it for today.  There are a couple of things happening this coming week so I shall be able to make a decent post....I hope!  TTYL

'I found there is only one way to look thin, hang out with fat people.'  Rodney Dangerfield. (Bill's all time fave comedian.)


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