I am now sitting on my bed (my awesome comfy bed) back home. Oddly, methinks someone has been sleeping in my bed! I found, between the mattress and headboard, an unopened bottle of vitamin water and a pocket book from my bookshelf! Hmmmm...... Now I am going to lay out the plan for the next stage of my life, not that anyone should be even remotely interested!
JUICING: As soon as I get a bag of lemons from Costco I am starting again. I am going to take the next couple of days to get all in order and ready. I also need to go find a couple of large dark closable mugs. Bill has decided to do some serious juicing with me as well. I have also convinced him to lay off red meat and try to stick to fish as much as possible. He will be eating fish/steamed veggies for dinner, juice for breakfast and lunch. I am going to juice only and eating on certain days where it counts. I am going to do this til we leave for our cruise on April 12. Next I am going to set up my google calendar with the days that I know I will be eating marked off. Originally I was not eating at all because from what I read if you don't eat fibre at all you don't get hungry. That is simply not true. You are hungry....all the time. So If that is going to be the case then I might as well eat on the days I know I will be around food. If I don't lose a hundred pounds, I at least won't be gaining it!
TELUS: Oh jeez, the fight is on. I had them change all the tv's and internet over from shaw...which would be great if they worked. All the tv's keep freezing up, need hardbooting, or don't work at all. Not only that they offered to make the call to shaw to cancel my account, and didn't. Shaw is still billing me and its up to 400 bucks. So I have to make that call to telus and I HATE that. Why can't things just frigging work already yet!!!!!!!!
GARBAGE: I am totally determined to take a load to the dump at least twice a week. In spite of Bill, in spite of weather, in spite of laziness......I WILL empty the shed and garage. We simply do not need any of the crap that is stored there so its all going. I love this. I love throwing stuff out. But Bill has a nervous nelly fit so he can sort it and take the stuff to different places if he wants...I won't. I am simply tossing it out.
HOUSE: I need to organize housecleaners. I bought four house cleanings on a buytopia deal of the week kind of thing. So now I need to figure out how to get them to come and what to do. It seems like this should be easy but it isn't. So many things have to be done in the house before housecleaners come.
MY EYES: I have a wonky eye, one that is getting worse. If I close my bad eye, the other one is normal. If I close the normal eye what I see out of the bad one is everything is much smaller and distorted and dim. I have gone to specialists and eye doctors etc... but they keep saying there is nothing showing up. So annoying! I really need to try to get to the bottom of all this....again.
MY MOMMY AND SISTER: I want to go up to Kamloops and see my sister and my mom. It has been so long since I have seen mom. She won't know me anymore. Her 85th birthday is on the eighth but I don't think I can get up there that soon. I have to make arrangements with Kathy to go up later in the month. I also have to make a trip to the Island. I need to see the grandchildren and make a quick stop at Port Alberni to see Monte.
So a busy couple of months ahead. I think I will be posting some before and after pics on this blog! First of all though I have made an appointment with Apple at Oakridge to fix my lappy's track pad. "sigh" Mechanical things are great in our life, but only if they work. And....we are buying a Scion in the next week or two. Achhhhh too many things to think about. TTYL
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