Tuesday, November 26, 2013


This morning I stumbled out to MY bathroom, made a coffee and into purple room here to check emails and watch the last of the morning news.  Spod was already at the dining room table on his lappy and drinking his coffee.

Where I sit in here I can just about see him out there, just around the edge of the door jamb at the table.  We were calling back and forth…"how are you this morning?, did you sleep well?, It's nice to be home isn't it?"  Well, as the convo went on we both noticed something..we were NOT hearing each other properly.  What???

Finally, Spod says 'I have to go put my ears in'  and it dawned on me I didn't have my teeth in.  So between him being deaf and me not being able to put any hard consonants in my words, we simply could not communicate.  Getting old sucks sometimes.

You know how now and again, with someone, you have a conversation about winning the lottery?  Its a conversation you should have with your spouse before you actually win.  And its amazing what you find out about a person, and yourself for that matter, in these conversations.

I don't need millions.  I am happy with my car, my travelling, my house etc…(I might go buy a kenmore mixer though).  But there is one thing I would do within one hour of winning.  I would hire a personal chef.  And I would tell that chef to do all the thinking for me.  I want to eat X amount of calories and lose X amount of pounds by next year…go do it.  And I would never have to shop for it, cook for it, plan for it…just eat it when that chef handed it to me.  And that is the only reason I buy the odd lottery ticket.  Now I have to go out to that kitchen and make an appropriate breakfast in the right amount and the right thing (shovel list).

Now its the next morning.  Last night really late my phone rang. It was Monte.  He seems to be having symptoms again so he was letting me know he was off to the hospital.  Poor guy..the symptoms are pretty scary.  But I don't feel quite so panicky for him and I think its because he knows what to do when this happens AND now if there is a real crisis we can get there in two hours and not have to wait for a ferry in the morning.  I just heard from him..he is still at the hospital waiting to see the right doctor.  

Now its time to get moving.  My list isn't getting any smaller with me just sitting here.  TTYL



1 comment:

  1. I hope Monte is feeling better now...:-(. What a beautiful creature is Bounce. Is she always there? Or a new visitor?
