Saturday, November 2, 2013


What a great day today.  The upside of funerals?...well that would be seeing all the awesome relatives and old friends again.

Today was yet again a lovely day.  Kathy's house is so beautiful and warm and welcoming.  And they are so incredibly organized...I am not only impressed beyond measure, but totally jealous.  I could never ever be that organized, not even on the threat of being shot in the head.  They have a place for everything...and everything is in its place.  When its time to do can, because its organized.  Life is sooo much less stressful and easy this way.

Spod, David and I went shopping for dinner items.  Dorothy and I were making shepherds pie for dinner.  Off to Costco.  Spod was also purchasing all the flowers and arranging when we got home.  And he did.  I will get some pictures tomorrow and post them here.  He did a beautiful job as usual.

Dorothy, David and I worked the kitchen, made some truly magnificent big easy in such a well stocked and organized kitchen I must say!  And people arrived as we prepared dinner...Aunts, Uncles, cousins, our kids, grandchildren.  I stopped at one point and shut my eyes and just listened to the happy hum of conversation and laughter.  This is such a special wonderful way to celebrate our mother.  And this kind of gathering, of family and friends, for special occasions has been going on for many many years.  So familiar and comforting.

After dinner all the 'kids' (from 22 to 42) went out into the garage and played a crazy drinking game of beer pong.  It was so much fun to watch.  I played a round with them at one point...I am not too bad at beer pong.  Jeez, we laughed and drank and chased ping pong much fun.  Finally a couple of them were getting too drunk..(shovel list big time) and we called taxis and sent them all off to their respective hotels to sober up, get some sleep and be ready tomorrow.  Overheard one of them making the comment...'Wow we didn't get to do this at MY Gramma's funeral!'  

Kathy and Aryn spent some time going over the eulogy that Aryn will be speaking tomorrow.  I popped in for a moment and Aryn's awesome friend Christine (Bradley couldn't make it so she brought Christine ) was also sitting in the little room.  We got talking about Mom.  It was interesting to hear each of our perspectives on her. She was a very complex woman, strong minded and pretty avant guard for her time.  But at times she could be difficult to be around too.  But the bottom line is she was admirable, dependable and a truly adventurous intrepid woman.  Pretty hard to live up to sometimes.

Now it is one in the morning, I am tired, my feet hurt and I am sitting in a truly comfortable bed beside a tired and sleeping Spod.  My eyes are beginning to not stay open so I shall sign off for now.  Tomorrow at 2 we say our final goodbyes to Mom.  It won't be easy...she will be sorely missed by us all.  TTYL


  1. I will be thinking of you at 2. Very sorry I was not able to come up there!

  2. Get some rest. We will be thinking of you as you get through the day tomorrow, and hoping you find comfort in sharing this farewell together.
