Monday, January 13, 2014


Moving.  Not the house, just the body.  I read week three challenge and I am not happy.  It's probably the best one in the world for me but I am still not happy.

They aren't talking about the gym or curves or even a home exercise machine.  She listed several ways to incorporate more movement.  Some are obvious…walk instead of drive, climb instead of elevator, park far away from the door, walk first thing in the morning and after supper…take the dog, get up and do a chore during ALL commercials, stand, don't sit, and, unless you are an insanely on your feet person all the time, slap on a pedometer and do as close to ten thousand steps a day.

She said that climbing two flights of stairs a day you will lose 6 pounds in a year.  Yay!!!  Six down, 116 to go!!    All in all though she had some good tips.  Just think move rather than sit and create a permanent lifestyle out of it.  Its kind of like cutting out sugar pop and never drinking it again.  Diet only, even if you are eating a piece of cake.  Never ever sit through a commercial again, and always find the stairs.  I know I know..most of you are already doing this.

I have been drinking water…but sometimes due to my spasms I can't.  But warm water, lots of it, is going down.  I have been sleeping in purple room and getting some of the best sleep I have had in years.  No Spod gurgling and snoring and no hip pain.  And I keep the room ice cold.  Love it!

I finally got my pictures hung…the really big ones I took in Maui and had printed.  I will go get pics as soon as Spod is up and post it on here.  We shifted stuff around out there in that garage but it  seriously needs a reboot.  I think Monte is going to come down Wed. and help me reorganize.  He can lift and reach like Spod and I can't.

Now its time to head off to Costco.  I am going to see if I can talk Spod into parking far away from the door.  The only trouble is its raining to beat the dickens out there and the wind is flattening everything.  Our deck looks like a war zone!  TTYL   (262 lbs)

1 comment:

  1. Those look beautiful! Looks a room in a celebrity's house...:-)
