Sunday, February 10, 2019


I just made the best curry dish I think I have ever made.  I make curry a lot.  But this time I decided to try something new and it turned out so good that I wish I was the type to follow recipes or at least write them.  Because my stuff never turns out the same twice.  And does it ever smell good!  You know 'smell' should be on that stupid gratitude list.

Went to a Kiwanis meeting on Tuesday.  It was a pretty small gathering.  A few are missing due to snowbirdism.  Afterwards Kathy and I headed up to Costco and did a little shopping.  Then when we were finished the actual shopping part we got a couple of cuppacinos and sat at a table and visited.  Had the best time!  And I don't think even one person stopped to talk to her!  That was very odd.  That girl knows everybody!

I made a trip to Walmart this week and Save-on.  Every single thing I bought in Save-on tasted awful.  What the hell?  Two samosas...awful, and I mean awful, made me gag.  Two salad rolls had a layer rolled into them of something like tough you couldn't chew them, the potato salad was vinegary and terrible.  The baguette was good but how can you wreck a baguette.

When I was at Costco I bought a couple of things I simply wouldn't if there were more than one of me.  I got some smoked salmon and stuffed salmon.  So the next day I had Anne for lunch and cooked the stuffed salmon, made coleslaw and rice.  A delicious lunch.  Then we ate wafer cookies for dessert.  In our house we call them welfare cookies.  I had bought them for Kevin. I always get them for Kevin.  Sooo good and soooooo cheap.  Thus welfare cookies.

I have been talking with Monte everyday.  It is such a huge awesome thing being able to talk with him again.  And he is so happy and healthy right now.  He is walking everywhere, he is skinny (he only weighs about 260 - 270 now and at 6'9 thats skinny) and our conversations are always funny and interesting.  He is working on his place right now, organizing and cleaning and making it homey.  After I get back from Hawaii in March I am going to Port to see him.  I can't wait!!  Its been over a year since I laid eyes on him!

So only one black mark on my life at the moment. A new neighbour moved in next door.  A girl.  I don't know her age or status yet.  But what I do know is she has a freaking little shitty barking dog.  And if you know me you know this is the number one bane of my life.  I effing hate barking dogs.  I hate them.  And this one is barking non stop and its loud and beyond acceptable.  I effing hate brain dead people and you gotta be brain dead to think people want to hear your 'fur baby' barking.  It just makes me want to stomp on it till its bloody, flat and dead.

So I will let it play out for a few days.  With any luck it belongs to someone else who is helping her move.  If not, step one will ensue.  I shall report here.  TTYL

TEXTURE:  Oh for heavens sake do I HAVE to be grateful for texture?  Really.  Well I am not.

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