Thursday, February 14, 2019


Oh My God!!!!  That awful little shit never quits barking.  All day long.  Its driving me crazy.  I don't know what it is about barking dogs that change me molecularly....and not in a good way.  I have taught myself to ignore and deal with dripping taps, flashing lights, loud mouth chewers etc.... but I cannot deal with barking dogs.  Something happens to me and its not good.

She leaves at eight in the morning and the dog immediately starts hysterically barking.  And then it takes a ten or twenty minute break then barks again for another hour or so....all. day.  long.  Its driving me nuts.

I have left two pretty strong notes now in her mailbox.  One she will be getting if she comes home for lunch.  I left my unit number on it so she can come talk to me.  I have also re contacted strata.  Hopefully they will do something...even if it's slow.  Maybe the dog will settle once its used to its new place.  Bylaws won't deal with inside dogs.  They don't consider that an infraction of the noise bylaw.  Inside dogs don't count as noise.  Yeah.  But if there is no resolution one of three things will happen.

1.  I will contact SPCA and report neglect.  They can actually tell her to daycare the dog or lose it.

2.  I will offer to daycare it.  I would rather have the blighter in my house than next door barking.  Wrangler and it can make friends and it won't bark around me....I will not let it.  

3.  Sell this place and go rent somewhere.  A place that allows Wrangler and has strict barking rules.  I will not live beside a barking dog.  Tenants with barking dogs can easily be evicted.

Anywho Anne's birthday was on the tenth.  She is coming tomorrow for the day.  She is going to help me sort the clothes downstairs and I shall haul out Hawaii clothes.  She will do the laundry she said.  What a friend!  I hate doing laundry.  Especially when it's downstairs.

Anyway, today, if I ever get done with the business things and phone calls I have to make today, I am going to bake her a birthday cake.  I am going to make a lemon one with fluffy lemon icing!  I would zest some lemon on the icing but someone very tall put my grater high up on the topmost shelf over the sink and even on my stool I cannot reach it.   (shovel list!). Oh well.    I have two strip loin steaks I am going to marinate, potatoes to bake, sour cream and green onions, and carrots and turnips and salad.  A lovely lunch!  She deserves it.

April usually sends me flowers on Valentine's Day.  But she didn't realize dates and it snuck up on her.  Which is totally okay with me.  I was telling her that once you're over forty, Valentine's Day doesn't really matter.  So I was recounting to her what Bill gave me, the occasional and few times he gave me something.

He gave me three very thin gold bangles once a very long time ago.  He would occasionally give me chocolates from Purdy's.  And one fateful time, which made me scratch my head and go....what the hell was he thinking? he gave me a teeny tiny see through very very skimpy two piece lingerie.  Seriously!  I couldn't even get it over my head, never mind on my ginormous lumpy body!  And another time, you would have thought he learned, it was a tiny black one.  That one I actually have a picture of.  Its on a one year old April, over her diaper and t-shirt and standing in my giant extremely tall high heels.  Pretty cute!

Anyway its time for me to hang it up here and get to it.  The dog is quiet.  The broad must be home for lunch.  TTYL

SMELLS:  Hah!!! Wasn't I just saying smells should be on this list?  I am actually grateful for smell.  I can tell when my cooking is burning, cooking properly, done....I can tell when Wrangler has had an embarrassment in the living room, I can tell when I need to wash my towel, I can tell when its going to snow, I can tell when it truly is spring, I can tell which kid is coming through the door etc.....  

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