Sunday, June 9, 2019


I have already had more out of town company here than I had in the last two years in Kamloops! Aryn, Bradley, Stan and Antonia were here this week end and we had a fabulous wonderful time.  I made a salmon dinner Friday night.  Aryn and Bradley went golfing Sat. morning.  We have a lovely beautiful golf course here, an old one.  Aryn was telling me that it was built in 1929.  And the restaurant is lovely too.

Stan and Antonia arrived in the afternoon and we had a nice visit out on the deck.  Its beautifully sunny in the afternoon out there.  Then we went to Little Bavaria for dinner.  What an amazing meal you get there!  Schnitzel coming out the ying yang!  My only complaint is there is just too much food, kind of like Greek restaurants.  It can be off putting and I truly dislike bringing food home.  But we had the most awesome time together!  It was Aryn's and Antonia's birthdays so that made it even more fun.

Today Aryn, Bradley and I went to the golf course for brunch...delicious and cheap!  Then we toured around and went to nurseries, parks and out a ways on the beginning of the road to Bamfield.  They were loving it here!  As do I.  Every time I go out and about, and especially down to the water, I just feel fulfilled and happy.  The smell of the ocean is everything.

It's interesting....I guess our meat here is cheap compared to where Aryn and Bradley shop in Vancouver.  I mean so much less expensive they went shopping at QFC, the Island's equivalent of Whole Foods, loaded up on meat and were pretty pleased with the prices.  And its the same with beer and wine on the menus.  Average 12 oz beer glass is just over five bucks.  I don't know, I don't really buy meat anymore much and I sure don't get wine or beer in restaurants.  But, just putting it out eats in Port....come and visit!!!

Speaking of visitors Austin is coming up on Thursday for dinner and the night!!!!!!!!!  I am so happy!!!!  I have truly missed him.  And he is bringing his lady friend!  Yay!!!!  She is an island girl, grew up in Nanaimo.  I can't wait to meet her!  I am so happy they are coming.  We must have our record player and speakers hooked up by then.  Music is a vital part of our visits! And he is eating meat again!  Yay!!!  Easy peasy dinner makings!!

Now its time to move on to the next stage of unpacking.  My bedroom is first on the list.  Its like a bloody cyclone hit it!!!  Its like a giant closet puked in there. 

 And I don't know why but my room, the only one in the house, smells like a rotten egg.  It starts early in the morning, the pulp mill is the culprit, sneaks in my open window and its so bad it actually wakes me up!!!  Then it lasts pretty much all day.  I think I am actually going to have to shut my window which makes me sad.  I love the night noises when I am laying awake endlessly through the night....the curse of older age.  Well, and diabetes not being properly controlled.  Constant trips to the loo...and probably the culprit  causing me to be occasionally cranky.

Well I gotta bounce.  I had a carton of strawberries sitting here beside me to nibble on and I just nibbled a big old fuzzy one....ewwwww!  Gotta brush the teeth now, rather desperately TTYL

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