Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Monte loves to cook.  Which is totally long as he cleans up after.  I have learned from watching 'housewife' talk shows and reading, reluctantly...the only thing in the bathroom to read kind of reading, articles in old magazines about how when your kids or your husbands do chores, don't expect the same level of expertise that you may accept their effort.  They may be more willing to do the chore the next time if you are encouraging.

Well, okay.  I remembered all that yesterday.  Monte decided to make buttermilk biscuits in our new cast iron frying pay.  I found an appropriately sized (2 cups of flour instead of the usual 4) recipe for him.  I went through it step by step as he executed.

But his listening skills may not be on par with his enthusiasm.  The recipe called for sugar.  I expressly told him NOT to use the blue dish with the lid, that that was salt, not sugar.  And be sure to always taste the stuff before adding.  Well, in went the salt.  Fer Geez!!!!  He fished most of it out, most.  As it turns out, we don't have a lick of sugar in this house! 

   After he cleaned, bless his heart, I followed along and did the fine pulling out the stove to wipe the batter up from between the stove and counter!  Hahaha!  I hope he isn't reading this.  Other than the biscuits being a tad salty! they were delicious.

Yesterday the potential buyers of my townhouse in Kamloops had their house inspection. guessed it....they want a thousand bucks to update the electrical...which I had been told had already been done.  Amy told them.  Then they wanted a receipt for the job.  No....I didn't have it done.  I don't have a receipt and Amy was actually going to track down the previous owner to see if they had it.  NO!!!!  I told her that either these people are going to buy it or they aren't.  It's an old building and there are going to be things that need fixing.  

But....I had the inspection from when I bought it.  And when Amy reread it, it clearly said that the electrical had been updated.  I don't know what the heck their inspector was doing that he didn't know that.  I have learned that inspectors can be fantastic and they can be minimal attempters.  Aryn said its because they aren't regulated.  Anyway I am sitting here now waiting for that call.  They have to remove subjects by tomorrow.

I know this is causing Amy more work, but she hasn't had to do any open houses, she doesn't have to go to showings and I am paying twelve thousand dollars for her to have listed it.  She is a Cracker Jack realtor so I don't mind.

Well I need to regulate my bedroom.  My todo list for today.  I have been 'away' from my stuff for long enough now I am excited to see it all out of the stack of boxes in my room.  I am also on the hunt for any extra pills laying around.  I am def going to run out of some them before I get to a doctor after I get back from camping next week.  So adios for now!  TTYL


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