Friday, March 27, 2020


Now let's see......I scared the shit out of myself this morning.  I accidentally read an article that snuck in in my email.  I didn't think it was about covid, but guess what?  I was wrooooonnnngggg....(shovel list)

According to the headline it was about blood pressure drugs.  I know there has been talk about cancer causing stuff in them so I decided to read the article.  And now part of me is glad to have the heads up it gave me but now I am genuinely scared, not a feeling I am used to. (except when I have to have a body probing medical procedure, then I turn into a bowl full of jelly)

The long and the short of it is this....blood pressure medication, diabetes medication, heart medication and cholesterol medication....are basically the reason old people are dying from covid virus.  Something in the virus bonds with stuff the meds leave in the lower respiratory tract and take it to the lungs, causing double pneumonia and respiratory failure.  I am taking all four of those meds, double types for two of them.

  One good thing thats come out of this is I have doubled down on how careful I am being.  We do have a covid case here in the house, who, bless him, is being super careful and considerate.  I gotta admit, I am really feeling like I am waiting for the axe to fall now.  But he's basically had it for 11 days and so far so good.

We have watched some movies.  Blue Velvet.....holy crap!!!!  A David Lynch graphic creepy movie that I don't get.  Dr. Zivago (sp?), a beautifully shot classic that totally reminded me of my Gramma, The Big Labowski, so funny and awesome!  I love Jeff Bridges.  Now I am about to watch the third season of the of the best tv shows I have watched.  I am really looking forward to it.

I am reading books.  First a heavy philosophical one then a fiction lighter one.  Right now I am on a lighter one.  Or so I say but holy moly such a good book.  Its written in the first person and she is a self admitted (and proud of it) sociopath.  What an interesting page turner!!!  Its a super good story too, not just inside a sicko's head.  I shall write a favourable review.  The last fiction I read was awful and I didn't hold back when reviewing.

Well thats all I got.  Not really cooking tonight.  Maybe some tortellini with a bottled sauce.  Big cop out but I don't feel like cooking.  TTYL


  1. I ordered Chinese food, first time eating someone else's food besides my own in almost three weeks.

  2. Oh my goodness. Well maybe you have a super good immune system! Which of them tested positive? Graeme?
