Sunday, May 31, 2020


How the hell is it I ended up with three boys in the house and not one girl?  If these guys were girls, like either of my two daughters or any of Kathy's girls, or Cookie's Tj, it would be soooo different.  For example:  Last night I had some stuff to do in my room and so I went in there right after a pretty late dinner.  I had made a huge salad.  Cut up veggies and fished out anchovies and emptied a couple of jars of odds and ends and served it up.  Plus there was left over Chinese food I had bought the night before.

Anyway, this morning I get up and wander out to the kitchen to get coffee and the whole kitchen is a big mess.  Not one of those three boys lifted a finger to clean that kitchen.  I had fallen asleep by 11 and hadn't gone back out there.  Monte came into my room and shut my lights off etc...then I heard him in the kitchen talking to one of them.  If they had been girls there would be no way would they have left that mess for morning.

  I haven't cleaned it yet but I moved the dirty dishes over to the counter on the proper side of the sink.  It is surrounding and crowding the coffee pot.  Let's see how that gets handled.  Grrrrr....Don't get me wrong...they often do pitch in and do stuff, especially and always if I ask.  But sometimes.....
This morning it just irked me to see the kitchen a mess.

  But...I must emphasize that they are so willing to do anything I ask, and some of the asks are big ones.  And they do the garbage...thankyou Lord!!!!  And between the three of them they always always always unload the groceries from the truck.  Thats a real biggie to me.  I hate unloading the truck.  Hopefully they don't read this post!  I am just comparing having boys rather than girls.  It's different.

Well today there are a few deadlines to meet.  One of them needs to go to the post office...which Monte volunteered to do.  I am doing an amazon return...first one ever.

 I discovered that you HAVE to pick one of their reasons from a list they put up.  If you pick the wrong one they won't pay for the return.  (one of the boys just came out and made themselves coffee....wiggled out the little pot we drip the coffee into.  LOL!!  Didn't do a dish though.) Anyway, I am getting a wee bit annoyed with Amazon.  They can be tricky and you have to watch out.  They renew your prime stuff without notice.  Their prime video isn't all have to join thanks.  They signed me up for some reading program and I had to get hold of them to cancel it.  And like April says, she checked, if you aren't prime, stuff is cheaper, you do have to pay shipping but that turns out to be about the same cost as prime in the end. And if the product isn't specifically in Canada (and face it...what the hell does Canada have) all bets are off for when the item arrives. Prime doesn't apply.  Sure isn't in two days.   For 90 bucks I am rethinking the whole program.

Well it seems this post has turned into a big complaint so I shall stop here. And don't get me wrong.  I am so much better off with the boys here than not.  They make me happy and they do all the heavy lifting.  What more could an old broad want...well maybe an unexpected unasked for clean kitchen when necessary!!!  And if any of you boys are reading this...I love each and every one of you!!!! Keep safe and healthy peeps...TTYL

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