Saturday, March 26, 2022


 That's it!  My beloved chair's name is Godot.  If you don't understand that name, and I certainly wouldn't blame you, you should look it up.    He is a wonderful character in a play we studied at school.  Godot, for me, represented all kinds of philosophical meanderings that I'm sure Becket never intended!

  I considered Galt from Ayan Rand's 'Atlas Shrugged', my fave book, but he was ambitious and successful, all things I not only am not, but don't aspire to be!  I really do sit in my chair and stare out the window, just like Ingmar Bergman said he did in that quote in the last post.  Godot is much more suitable.

Another fave book I read was 'The Journeyer' by Gary Jennings.  It was all about Marco Polo.  Fantastic book!!!  So I considered Marco for about ten seconds.  Then swimming pools and ratty little kids yelling Marco, Polo, incessantly, came to mind and I discarded that thought right quick.  So Godot it is.  I really do relate to him who never shows up!!!

It was garbage day the other day.  And unfortunately the time change has removed the comfort of being outside at seven in the morning, completely looking like hell itself, but, under the cover of darkness.  Graeme has been taking out the garbage on garbage  morning, but he is gone sadly. I hadn't realized that the light had changed at that time of the day.

I was in a pair of torn sleep short shorts, you could see my undies, old t-shirt, no bra, no teeth, hair awful, slippers....and as I quickly dashed over to the waiting bins I hear a "Howdely Doodely neighbour!"  For a second I thought Ned Flanders was next door.  But no.  It was Harry.  He lives next door.  A lovely friendly person about my age.  I did NOT want to see anyone, especially a male neighbour!  But being a mannerly person I couldn't just ignore him.  So I stopped to say good morning.  And then horror of horrors he CAME OVER TO SEE OUR NEW DOOR.  Now he's up close!!  I surreptitiously held the side of my short short short sleep shorts that are torn from hem to waistband, together and tried to keep turned away a bit.  Waaaahhhhhh!

We had a lovely conversation.  He had had cataract operations two weeks ago.  Great.  Now he can really see.  After a lengthy convo he finally went back over to his place to put his garbage out.  I see I will have to sneak peaks out my bathroom window from now on to make sure he either has already taken out his garbage or not in the middle of doing it.  Its either that or actually get dressed.  No.  Not doing that.

I was just talking to April on the phone.  She was mentioning, and I was agreeing, how the younger generations blame everything on us boomers.  Apparently we made a big mess of everything, from the earth to expensive housing and everything in between.

I get awfully tired of their ridiculous conclusions.  I am proud of being a boomer!  We boomers are the ones that put a man on the moon.  We boomers are the ones that developed communication and our lives are before and after that one.  We boomers are the ones that invented and developed technology.  We developed air travel from bi planes to jets.  We invented soft ice cream!!!  I myself personally went from a crank phone (our number was a short and a long) to a little snazzy computer phone tucked in my bra.  As a matter of fact it is the boomer generation that made the most massive intelligent progression of civilization in the history of mankind, thank you very much.  So the younguns can just sit down and take a back seat.  They will never equal the boomer generation.  And that's all I have to say about that.  Rant over!  LOL!!!

Tomorrow I am making butter pecan tarts.  Lots of them.  Monte has been invited over to a friend's place for dinner and I suggested he take dessert.  Upon talking with the host, it was decided dessert needed to involve nuts.

So now I am trying to figure out how to candy nuts.  I can chop up nuts and add them to the tart mixture, but I would like to put some candied nuts on top.  Thank goodness for google.  Google is the biggest recipe book on earth!!!!  It has everything and then some.

 Bryce, the host, makes sourdough!  I mean who does that?  Except a friend out at Shuswap!  Ollie's husband Wayne!  Ollie is the one that makes amazing apple salsa and Wayne makes honest to goodness sourdough!  And apparently Bryce does too.

Bryce is also making melt in your mouth, apparently, pulled pork as well to go with that sourdough.  So that amazing dinner deserves butter pecan tarts!  Hmmmm. I wonder if he has coleslaw.

Well this has turned out to be a very random wandering post.  I shall stop now.  Take care, stay safe and TTYL

I have actually done that!!!!  More than once.


  1. You are so prolific this week. I too find everyday reality so much more engrossing than single interests (snore). We are headed to the Queen Mary 2 for a 15 day Caribbean sailing on Wednesday. Damn the Covid torpedoes, full speed ahead! PS.I LOVE blueberries...

  2. I name my furniture too; Comfy, Uncomfortable and Don't Sit There That's the Cats' Seriously, I have 3 spinning wheels named Grunhilda, Mary and June. Have you thought about investing in a nice, new pair of pajamas? Been there. Done that. It really lessens the stress of being seen before getting dressed.
