Thursday, March 24, 2022

 Listening to the news has made me even more aware how infinitely lucky I am to be born Canadian.  I remember years ago watching all those women, grammas, babies, children,  filing single file out of Yugoslavia.  And now watching those poor Ukrainians out of the Ukraine and the Russians out of Russia.  I am thinking of those pregnant moms, carrying two year olds, Grammas with sore backs and hips, women in the middle of cancer treatments, diabetics that need insulin, and on and on.  Leave? or stay and get bombed?  OMG!!!!

And not only that makes me so grateful to be in Canada.  I got a phone call today from the diabetic clinic in the hospital.  They are all poised to help me with more up to date education, teach me about insulin and how to use it, help me restock my testing supplies....and give me a week to record my tests so they can see how well my meds are working for me. And she offered me in person help or over the phone, and I accepted the latter.  And to top it off she totally agreed with my plan to spend the next three months lowering, or trying to lower, my a1c (three month average) before committing to insulin.  I thought she would give me the gears about that but she was totally supportive.  I am so so lucky. 

 Bill always said the only luck you ever have in this life is where you are born.  All the rest is either how you react to everything or if you take the bull by the horns and make your way. That belief is probably why he was so successful.  Oh and because of me of course!!!  Hahaha!!!  Behind every man is....well you know that old mantra!! Man o man, I loved that guy.

I wanna mention something here.  I have talked with a couple of people that used to blog, briefly. I asked them why they stopped.  Basically the answer was that they couldn't be bothered.

  When I go to find a long term blog to read like a book, I used to love reading people's blogs, there simply aren't any.  I am not wanting to read recipe blogs, or sewing (god forbid), or fishing or any blog that has a singular interest.  I want to read peoples reality type blogs.  They are so interesting for the most part.  But there aren't any anymore.

What I find when I seriously start looking are blogs that get started, some of them lovely, but after a few entries they just die out.  I see that there are awards, awarded by the blog gods, for best blogs etc... but they are all about something specific.  I think they should hand out an award for longevity...even if it's a humdrum blog like mine. LOL!!!  I have been blogging since 2007.  So I am not famous and my readership has remained pretty steady, not growing.  But all you loyal readers are my friends, even if I have never met you.  I love talking to you!  I just wish it was easier for people to comment.  I would love to hear about you!  I would love to turn the tables!

I wish I was a botanist.  That is just one thing I wish I could be. I used to want to be a hockey player.  Yeah.  We all know how that thought went. But as a botanist I would be able to make plants that make sense.  Now I don't want to usurp Mother Nature, but seriously?  She didn't do the greatest job when it comes to helping out rank amateurs like me.

Firstly I would invent a flower that had the ability to grow easily in any soil in any condition of weather and climate handed to it.  Why isn't there one out there that actually grows like weeds do, that isn't a foxglove or dandelion?  When my poppy seeds come I just want to throw them on the newly weeded dirt out front and have them just grow.  Is that so crazy to wish for?

And when I plant a blueberry bush, I want to make one that prolifically produces blueberries IMMEDIATELY!  Not next season, and not seven seasons away, but right away!

And I would make sturdier sunflowers.  I mean why why why are they made so that when their oversized heads fill with seeds they fall over and droop like a tired old man?  I would make one with a thick tough stalk that would hold it's head up to face the sun!

I feel like Walter Mitty, creating fanciful thoughts in my head whilst I sit in my beloved recliner.  I think I will name this recliner, it has become such an entity in my daily life, and not always in a good way.  Hmmmmm....I will give this some thought.  I shall give it a significant name by next post.  And I shall take a picture.  Some people have cats.  Others have dogs.  Even more have babies.  I have a recliner.  Don't underestimate its importance in my life!  It deserves a name.  Stay safe peeps and enjoy life.  TTYL


'A house that does not have a warm comfy chair in it is souless.'  Mary Sarton


'I'm very very lazy, I love to sit in my chair and look out the window and do nothing.' Ingmar Bergman


'When I go, God's going to have to give up his chair.' Brian Clough


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