Monday, November 24, 2014


Jessie, Bradley's helper, came over this morning and dug in at a hundred miles an hour.  Man…he covered so much ground so quickly.  All the ugly checkered tile is now gone.  All the measurements for the closets are done.  The garage is totally organized and clean.  The whole long driveway is completely clean.  Tomorrow he is coming over and we will be going to Home Depot for the stuff he needs to finish the jobs.  Its going to be so nice to have this stuff done.

Marilyn dropped by this afternoon, complete with ipad with tons of interesting pics.  I love other people's pics!  We had a lovely long chat.  I think she is a very busy person.  I admire everything she is into and she is an amazing grandmother.  I definitely could take lessons!  

Monte stopped at Costco for us on his way back from dropping Jessie off back at home.  Chicken pot pie and caesar salad..mmmmmm.  So good.  We watched Frozen.  I must admit I was expecting it to be better than it was and there were way way too many not very nice songs in it.  The little snowman saved the movie in my opinion.  I give it a 5.  

Now I am tired and going to bed.  The kids are leaving at seven thirty in the morning for Vancouver.  Monte is taking Molly to our vet over there and taking April home.  Its going to be very quiet.  Austin and Emily dropped by tonight with awesome speakers to go with the turntable and even more amazing records.  I am going to be submerged in music once again!  Its been a long long time.   TTYL


I love my my phone
No no don’t understand
I love my phone, more than you can know
If I can’t take my phone, I just won’t go

not that long ago I did criticize
people with their phones, I would roll my eyes
I have a life, I would declare
who needs a phone?  Really, who cares!!

And then one day upon a whim
I purchased a cell, so smooth so slim
I entered all my numbers with glee
and started to call my friends just to see

And now there is no going back
my phone is my life, I will always pack
If I forget to take it with me
I can’t even think, I am so not free

I love my phone, more than you know
with me I take it where ever I go
take my wallet, take my watch whatever the cost

my phone will be with me,  never to be lost.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I'm glad somebody agrees with me about Frozen! I've been wondering if I was missing something? People are bonkers for for it, but I just don't get it. The only explination I can come up with is the movie is full of subliminal messages that I am somehow immune from. I mean it was okay and it was nice the princesses saved themselves for once... but if I were to make a list of my favorite Disney movies it wouldn't even compete for the top 20.

    Give me Beauty & the Beast or the Little Mermaid anyday!

    Hahaha ok im done venting...

    I'm glad April is alright! :)
