Sunday, November 23, 2014


First of all, April is fine.  They think it was a bursting cyst on one of her ovaries, painful but not life threatening.  She needs to have an ultra sound done next week just to check things out.

Due to not getting to bed til three in the morning, we slept in a little this morning.  After a few chores, (April did chores), she and I headed off to do some Christmas shopping at the Sally Ann.  As I mentioned before, due to the family being on severe money constraints, we are doing our shopping at thrift stores.  Its hard.  If you are lucky you will find the perfect thing (as I luckily did for Myles!)  You just have to keep going back and checking things out until you have it covered.

So off we went.  It was packed in there!  The people were a funny mixture of far too well dressed to be shopping there, to the really odd and strange.  Scruffy unshaved ballcapped men shuffled down the aisles, eys down and shifty.  Old old people hobbled along, picking up nothing.  Several overweight young cranky moms with  an unruly kid or two in tow.  The odd middle aged woman, well dressed, condescending looks upon their faces.  An emaciated half dead looking woman sat at the old piano at the back, carefully playing her way through a very long playlist of songs we all kind of hummed along to.

Then there was April and I, pulling little shopping baskets along behind us.  I couldn't believe how excited we could get over very used crap.  And the further into the store we worked the more excited we got.  First this went into the baskets then that and then more and more.  Finally our baskets were completely overflowing.

  We went and payed for the stuff, took it all out to the car and then went back in for more!  Eventually the back of the car was full of really cheap good scores.  And maybe two of the items were actually gifts.  All the rest was stuff for ourselves and stuff for Christmas decorations.  Honestly!  Two gifts!  Methinks some self discipline is in order!

We went to Six Mile Pub for a delicious lunch of seafood chowder and calamari.  Then home for naps and general relaxing.  Pizza and How To Train Your Dragon 2 for dinner and now its off to bed.  Tomorrow Em is coming out and we are having a cinnamon bun making lesson…if I remember how to make them. I shall take pics as we go and post them here.  

 Since Spod and I got so fat I quit making anything like that.  I used to make them all the time.  In fact I used to make all our bread every week.  I remember one bread in particular.  It was an Irish Soda bread.  Spod's nephew Jeff's (he used to work with us)first wife Heather gave me the recipe.  This was one of those breads that tasted better cold than hot and was so easy and fast to make.  But the recipe, which was taped to the back of the baking cupboard, burned when the house burned down.  And unfortunately by then she was no longer in the family and reachable to get that recipe again.  It was sooo good.

Here is another poem.  God they are so bad.  I think is a good lesson for me on how to deal with humility!  TTYL

I have a dog who talks with his eyes
I understand him which is no surprise
A dog whisperer I am not
But I understand his every thought

when he stares without a blink
I know exactly what he thinks
Its time to go and get his dinner
dried food and tuna is the winner!

when his eyes are all a dancing
and his feet are all but prancing
I know its time to find his toy
and watch his eyes fill with joy

when his eyes totally drill and bore
and he runs  to the back door
I know its time to let him out
We all know what thats about!

But it is when he won’t look or play
eyes cast down and head turned away
I know him well  and I can see
He has something sad to tell me

He misjudged and made a mistake
His puddle was as big as a lake
I could see he felt so bad
his eyes could not be more sad

So I give him a hug and I forgive
We all make mistakes as we live
Its  the love that really  counts
That we share in huge amounts

1 comment:

  1. Ummmm I won't are right...this poem IS the worst of the lot so far, lol. Your day sounds utterly perfect!
    I absolutely love the thrift store Christmas shopping idea. What a delightfully fun way to shop , and I can only imagine the cool and unique stuff you can find. Since we will be out of country this year, we are shipping our few packages out to people very early.
