Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Honestly I can't remember what I did five minutes ago.  I am just NOT used to my life being this busy.  Don't get me wrong...I love it, but I feel like I am always running and trying to catch up to my brain.  I really do think I am descending, slowly, into dementia.  I watched both Gramma and Mom have this happen to them, its not Alzheimer's but inherited dementia, a bit kinder form of the disease.  That being said, I have tried to warn the kids but they won't listen to me.  Wishful thinking on their part.  Maybe on mine too.  I figure if its going to happen you might as well look on the brighter side...absolutely no accountability at all.  Sounds good to me!!

So here goes...I shall try to remember whats happened over the last few days.  It won't be in chronological  order though.

I do remember yesterday I went down to Kathy's to pick her up and head down to the Kiwanis meeting.  She was on a three hour phone call, poor thing, battling with car rental rip offs and visa.  She talked long enough that we ended up not going to the meeting and went shopping instead.  She had to pop into the TD bank so I popped into the fat lady store which happens to be right there.  I bought a giant white down warm winter coat...I look like a walking duvet in it but its really warm. I then went and got started on my xmas shopping in Bed Bath and Beyond, which happened to be right there.  We had a lot of fun in there.  Kathy discovered PooPourie for the first time.  If you haven't heard of it just google it.  Pretty incredible stuff.

We then went to Jo's for coffee.  She makes the best coffee.  We spent a fun hour there playing with Ainsley.  She is such a hoot and oh so watchable.

I remember too we went to a hockey game with another rickety bus load of really happy game goers.  Jeez what fun that is!!!   And then at the game we sit with a rather sketchy band of brothers.  A few of them look like and smell like some of the people Monte has known in the past.  I always wondered how cops could 'smell' weed on people on those shows.  Now I know.  And I find myself scanning the stands for really fat people, checking out if they fit in the seats, so I know Monte will fit if he ever comes with me.  I found a doozy the other night and Kathy and I both felt that if she fits in the seat there is no doubt Monte will.  Its distracting though.  I haven't been in a town with so many old and or fat people.  In North Van I was pretty much the fattest person there.  Not so much here.

Today was clean house day.  I must have put five thousand things away.  When I am done I always swear I am going to put everything away as I go from now on, but somehow a jillion things still end up all over the place.  Tomorrow is wash the floors and dust and vacuum  up dead flowers.

I remember another thing I did.  Kathy and I went to Canadian Tire and I bought a bunch of outdoor lights.  I bought two, not one, but two 75 dollar strands of copper wiring with tiny little twinkle LED lights along them.  They are a hundred feet, indoor/outdoor lights.  I LOVE them.  I would be happy to just leave them in the cupboard and plug them in now and then and just look at 'em.  I don't know where I am putting them yet.  I also bought four net lights to drape over my ballish looking bushes.  That doesn't sound right.  I figure each year I will add another light dimension  to my outside.

I am seriously going to try to post more often.  The heat that I am getting the comments is a pretty good motivation.  Nothing like a little whining to get the fingers moving and I wouldn't want Shannon to chew her leg off!  TTYL  



  1. Hey!Shannon, she finally posted! Maybe if she did more often, there would be no forgetting of what happened. How's the leg?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You're right. Blogspot is weird. My comments are posting twice!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The Walking Dovet! Is that on AMC? I Thought I saw a walking sheet once, but it turned out it was just a ghost. Disappointing.

    Cookie they are posting your comments twice because they know how important your opinions are! As for my legs.. they are like a turkey after Christmas dinner! I was so desperate for entertainment I actually joined twitter! Look what you did Helen?!?! I am a Twit!

  6. LOL, Cookie you are so funny. As for you, are clearly so darn popular that you are busy as heck. You must be loved!
