Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Stupid tv upstairs isn't working again.  The live tv part is freezing...driving me crazy!  The one show I always watch is the news at five or six in the morning and this morning, before I threw the remote at it, I decided to count the seconds between freezes.  11 seconds.  Within 11 seconds the damn picture would freeze for about three seconds, then get glitchy for about three seconds then come back on.  Drove me nuts within five minutes. So I don't know what is happening in the world, except for a silly thing our federal gov. did. Oh and a silly bad thing Roseanne did too.  Thats all I got.

I turned off the tv and went back to sleep.  At quarter to seven the dog went crazy downstairs.  Clearly someone was at the door.  Who comes to the door at 6:45 am?  So I got dressed (not as quickly as I did when Tank was in danger) and whipped downstairs (shovel list...old fat ladies do not 'whip' downstairs first thing in the morning) to find a lovely looking young man at the door.  And I am not saying anymore :)

Oh okay...don't want to leave the wrong impression.  It was one of the guys working on the carports asking me to move my jeep.  I would have been mad at him but, you know, that would have been a titch hard to be.  Sigh.

The bad part is...I got my keys and sashayed (I couldn't help it) out and daintily climbed into my jeep and moved it.  He was still in the carport when I sashayed (still couldn't help it) back.  Stopped for a couple minutes for unnecessary chit chat.

Then I gracefully exited the carport and entered the house.  I moved into the loo and accidentally glanced in the mirror.  OMG!!!  My face was all  puffy, my shirt was inside out and my hair...oh poof and become skinny and had migrated to the very top of my head, off centre and ridiculous.  I looked like a teletubby gone bad.    Seriously, I give up.

Well between Adopt a Grad, Kiwanis meeting, movie going (Book good), cooking and coffeeing its been a busy week.

I went to see Book Club with Kathy and her book club.  It was hilarious and well worth the time.  I decided a long time ago to boycott Jane Fonda...I hate her and what she caused the Viet Nam vets back in the day, but I thought the other three women in that movie drowned her out.  And they did!  Their roles were so funny and significant...Jane's not so much.  Good movie.  My second fave laugh movie of all time.  My fave is still My Big Fat Greek Wedding.  I saw that one three times and laughed myself sick each time.

Gotta bounce.  TTYL

Friday, May 25, 2018


I noticed Sharri made a comment on the last post about Alice the housekeeper.  We definitely work for her!!!! 

 The night before, right after dinner (or the news cuz I don't eat normally anymore), I scrub the kitchen until its spotless.  I then move into the rest of the house room by room and put away anything that has been moved an inch or two.  I clean the toilets and then check the front cupboard to make sure the broom is upside down (she claims that if you rest a broom on its business end it bends the bristles) and that the  vacuum is out and at the ready.  Oh, and she had better be able to park as close as is physically possible.  She would rather forgo the sixty five bucks than have any of those things not be right.

But, she is honest to god the best housekeeper in the world.  She is fast and efficient.  That woman can clean this place in one hour and fifteen minutes, floors, walls, fridge, stairs, two lightening.  And she ALWAYS shows up.  Worth her weight in gold!

I sleep right under my rather large window in my tiny tan purple room.  I keep my window completely wide open (there is a screen) and the blinds up.  I love the sound of the wind in the pines and two nights ago I was lying there and the space station slid across the sky like a silent sentinel keeping watch on a sleeping earth.

I am often awake for an hour or two in the night, just laying there peacefully.  You would not believe the things that go on in the night when you think the world is asleep!

A couple of nights ago I was laying there when I hear a heavy truck drive into the main traffic circle for our complex right outside my townhouse.  It was going  back and forth and beep beep beeping etc.  Finally I sat up and looked out expecting to see a firetruck or something.  Nope!  There were cops, two cop cars and a massive flatbed tow truck.

They loaded up a car that was parked in the row of guest parking.  The back passenger door window was smashed in.  I remember in Maui at our condo complex the parking areas were a fave stolen car dump.  Clearly that is what happened here.

Then last night I was yet again laying in my bed listening to the night sounds.  Then I heard suspiciously close stealthy type noises.  Again I sat up and looked out the window and saw a shadowy figure working away at MY JEEP!!!  Oh no you don't you bastard!!!!

I quickly called 911 and reported him while I pulled on shorts and a shirt.  I hung up with the police and tore downstairs and grabbed a hammer out of my tool box I keep at the top of the basement stairs.  I dashed out the front door and the guy, clearly startled, looked up like a deer in headlights.  I couldn't see him real clearly as it was pretty dark but I sized him up real fast and he wasn't all that big and I figured me and my hammer could do a beat down if necessary.  Nobody, and I mean nobody, touches my jeep.  And at that precise moment my hero Wrangler came screaming out of the house, barking like a rabid monster!!!!!  

So both dog and I bolted toward the asshole, me hollering that I was going to pulverize him, Wrangler going in for the kill.  Of course he bolted up the drive and into the traffic circle, just in time to run into a police car entering the complex.  I couldn't stop Wrangler who chased him right up onto the hood of the police car!  Crap!!! I couldn't stop laughing!  I ran up there and got him under control and back into the house.  They cuffed the jerk then came and got a report from me.

They gave me a big lecture about the hammer and going outside.  But I wasn't about to have my jeep diddled with and thats exactly what he was about to do.  Alls well that ends well I say! And I gave Wrangler a great big snack and cuddle.

  What an awesome dog he is.  I will happily eat slathers and  gobs of crow, given what I have said in the past about dogs and me ever having another one!  In fact I am going to be babysitting Molly for a while later in June!  That should be fun.  And I will have Emma now and then too as Kathy and Kerry are going on a trip.  I shall have three dogs!  No getting lonely here!  I will share my crow with them!  TTYL

Monday, May 21, 2018


Over the many years I have existed, I have helped build sheds of one sort or another.  Back in the day all the little sheds, chicken houses, root cellars etc..were basically made of wood.  We would go to the local lumber supplier and buy the wonky rejects.  We would then construct a chicken house, garden shed or whatever with this reject wood.  The one thing that wasn't in our tool box was a level.  No point.

As the decades passed, those wooden little buildings became resin little buildings.  Accompanied with big thick instruction booklets and a ton of very important bits and pieces and parts.

Yesterday I played helper to Kerry.  He built a beautiful shed in the back of his property and I handed him screws, and mallets and bits and pieces.  He was incredibly easy to work with.  When I screwed up, which happened occasionally, he was so nice about it.  And he was really good at this shed building.  He just understood the concepts and dug in and got it done.  This was an entirely different experience than what I had gone through numerous times with Bill.

If you are sensitive to bad language, please stop reading here.  Just a warning.

Building with Bill was something I would dread, at first.  But as projects passed by I found it was more funny than dreadful.

The man had giant club hands and no fine motor skills.  Consequently, as you can imagine, screws were constantly getting away from him.  As soon as I would hear one hit the floor, inevitably right on its heels would be a loud resounding "Cocksucker!!!!!"  And its amazing how those little buggers can simply disappear.  I eventually got smart and put down a giant white paint cloth so I could spot them more easily.

He also had zero patience or processing skills.  I would try to keep him on track and do things according to the instructions.  But he would ignore them, and me, and twenty minutes later, after another loud resounding, "Cocksucker!!!!!!" he would be putting his drill into reverse and be backing up a few steps.

Kerry was the complete polar opposite.  He never lost his cool, he never swore and the only time he veered off instruction path was my fault.  And the end result is beautiful. Kathy sent me a pic this morning of it, I shall try to post it at the bottom.

Have I mentioned my housekeeper?  The one we are all scared of?  If things aren't the way she wants it, no, demands it, she gets mad and gives you shit.  But...she is an amazing house keeper.

One of the things that gets her going is parking.  She insists on being able to park as close to the house as possible.  Okay fine, but you just might have to park behind me.  Close enough.  But if someone is here visiting, she parks in the neighbours driveway!!!  I have told her a hundred times she just can't do that, they will tow her and I ain't paying for it!

Right now though I haven't got a carport.  Its still a field of rebar, waiting for cement.  And when the guys start working at seven am we can't be parked in the back part of the driveway either.  And Wednesday, her day to be here, there is a good chance they will be pouring cement.  So I texted her and told her she will have to park in guest parking if possible. 

 Well jeez!  Its like I shot her.  Now she want s to park at Kathy's, at least two to three blocks away, and have me go get her and drive her here.  Not happening.  For a number of reasons.  So I figure she can either find parking in guest parking or she doesn't need to come.  Save me sixty five bucks.

Anyway, there it is!!!  He put the doors on himself.  Such a pretty little shed!  TTYL

Thursday, May 17, 2018


Another day of dressing girls in pretty dresses.  But earlier today I met Kathy, Jocelyn and Ainsley for lunch downtown at the most delicious place!  BLT on homemade bread and a big bowl of pea soup!  So good!  And it was so much fun.  Ainsley is a hoot!  She is a month or two off turning four and so interesting and funny!

I was going to do some gym shoe shopping after lunch but there was no time.  I ripped home and let Wrangler out and then had to take off to go pick up Michelle.  She is such a neat lady but seriously she needs to learn to drive.

We had two appointments this afternoon to fit girls into lovely dresses.  I took some pics of the room and put them below.  It really is a ton of fun!

Now I need to say a word about Taylor, the girl I am renting the basement to.  What a gal!!!!  She heard what she thought was a mouse down there.  Instead of whining and complaining, she marched out, bought a couple of traps, set them, caught the mouse, took the dead critter out of the trap, marched outside and threw it in the garbage!  Seriously!  My kind of gal!

She is super neat and tidy and SHE TAKES THE GARBAGE OUT AND EMPTIES THE DISHWASHER. She also takes Wrangler out for a bathroom break if I am not at home.  I am so spoiled!  Its almost like having Anton here!!!  I really like her too.  She is interesting and I am learning about her job and what she is doing.  So cool.

So Telus.  We are out of bandwidth or GB or whatever the F its called.  I got an email from them telling me so.  Taylor had watched two seasons of Grey's Anatomy on the highest resolution setting.  Thats all it took.  I didn't even know there was a ceiling on it.  I have 150 GB.  Not enough apparently.  Three days!

She has turned it down now.  And...the tv pvr upstairs is NOT working AGAIN!!  I am done.  I am switching back to Shaw.  But first I have to watch eight episodes of The Good Fight.  If I switch right now I will lose those and I have no clue how to watch them in another way.

  I want Blockbuster back.  Only instead of discs, lets have huge walls of usb ports.  We can bring in our own flash drives, or buy one there, and plug it in and download a movie or tv series or what ever.  And its made in such a way that they can change it up.  Doesn't that sound smart?  Some of us out here cannot bit torrent.  And steal.

Anywhoo I am super hungry and need to make dinner.  Not an easy task when you are only feeding one!  TTYL

Sunday, May 13, 2018


Green, pink, burgundy, red, black, seafoam, yellow, white, baby blue,  poofy, slinky, lacy, long, short, straps, strapless, good hangers, bad hangers, tuxedo jackets, white shirts, ring around the collar, cummerbunds,  bowties, vests, high heels, low heels, pointy toes, square toes, shiny black, dull black and on and on and on and on.

Yesterday friend Iris and I arrived at TRU for what we thought would be three different appointments.    Two gorgeous girls, cousins, showed up for one of the girls' appointment.

I can't imagine how it must feel to walk into a room with about four hundred dresses, creating an exploding rainbow, all for your personal picking through!  Well, three hours later, clearly the second appointment was a no show, these girls had tried on every dress in their size category.  They were very self sufficient so Iris and I had lots of time to visit.  She is such a neat lady.  The girls finally finished and the third appointment was a no show as well.  I think we may have to change things next year.

Today is Mother's Day.  To me, this day is more important than Xmas or Thanksgiving or even a 65th birthday.  I have already heard from Jen and Kevin.  I wish I could hear from my Monte man but I know that isn't going to happen.  Maybe never again.  So I will take a little time today to remember some of the good times I had with him. Maybe I will create a file and write Monte stories. There are a lot of them!  April is busy up in Whistler with Myles's mommy...also named Helen!  It sounds like they are having a beery good time.  TTYL

PS:  Don't get me wrong...I love helping these kids.  And really, there is nothing like seeing the look on their faces when they come out from behind the dressing screen, stand in front of the mirror and see themselves all decked out in a gorgeous dress! Its enough to make you cry.  These are kids that wouldn't have a dress at all if it weren't for the generous donations people have given.  So many good people in this world of ours.

Friday, May 11, 2018


I hate stupidity.  Especially when its coming from people you have absolutely no influence or control over.

Our property management here decided that all, and I mean ALL our carports have to be jackhammered up and replaced.  Like freaking 
WHY?????  They were fine.

So in moves this blasted company with a million trucks and equipment and they have taken up ALL the guest and extra resident parking.  ALL of it!!!!

Yesterday was my lucky day to have my carport ripped to pieces.  The jackhammer was so loud it freaked out Wrangler and it vibrated crap off window ledges and walls.  So I went out and took a look.  Mine is number four to be ripped up.  There are FIFTY carports in this complex.  FIFTY!!!

So I stomped out my front door and accosted a guy working away in MY carport.  I went up to his face and asked, "How f*cking long is this going to take?  When the f*ck are you going to get my carport done so I can park here again?"

Right now I have to park the only place left to park...way down by 7-11 on the street.  Well he tells me that they are going to be jackhammering EVERYBODY'S carports, one by one.  And as they go EVERYBODY has to go down and park on that one street.  Do you know how many cars that is?  Only about a hundred! There isn't enough room!

"When is this all going to be DONE?" I yell.  Well,lets see, he mumbles.  First we jackhammer, then we get dirt in and pack it down and make a base and then it will depend on when the cement can start being delivered.  Are you freaking kidding me?  Its going to be at least a month.

They have a piece of police type tape running from one post to the other, blocking off my carport.  To hell with that.  I told him I am ripping that down, I am parking IN my carport and they can let me know when the dirt is coming and then when the cement will be poured.  Jesus H Christ!

This was really stupid planning.  Fifty units, most of us with two, sometimes three vehicles and not one parking space for probably a month.  What a stupid gong show...all to replace perfectly good carports.  TTYL

ps:  sorry...excuse my French

Thursday, May 10, 2018


My bed was delivered yesterday.  And its totally beautiful.  Actually it was just my mattress.  Funny side note: it was the same guys that moved me in here.  They are the ones I gave a perfectly good 1000 dollar bbq to and gave them all a hefty tip.  They were pretty excited to be here....took a look around, told moving stories about that day.

Anyway they put the massive mattress onto my already high bed.  I almost need a stool to get into it.  And every time I lift my knee way up to get up onto it, I get a severe excruciating charlie horse in that hip.  (shovel list).  I am going to have to get a foot stool.

Well, the bed is extremely bouncy and soft.  I absolutely love it. being a twin there isn't much room for error on that thing.  It really does bounce and roll you around.  It sure aint one of those bowling ball beds!

So I climbed up into bed (I say so easily) and humped myself upright and close to the headboard so I could sit and go on my lappy for a while.  By the way, my frigging tv isn't working again.  Jeez!!!!

Eventually I grew tired and rolled over to the edge to put my lap top DOWN, seriously down, onto the bedside table.  As soon as I let it go my body simply went over...right over...there was no stopping it...dropping six feet to the floor....splat.  I don't know anybody else that hits the deck as often as me.  Good thing I have a lot of natural padding on me.  I felt stupid.

Right now at this moment there is a jack hammer hammering away in my carport.  You have no idea how loud and vibratey it is.  Poor Wrangler is having a fit.  I guess they decided to replace all the carports.  It meant I had to remove EVERYTHING from the front.  Three adirondak chairs, two tables, a bbq, rugs, a big box of thrift store stuff, my cement face April made.....  all to replace a perfectly good carport.

Well today is Quiz Day for Kiwanis.  Kathy is in Toronto so I shall fill in for her.  Kerry is picking me up at three to go over to the school and get the large room set up for the event.

At the same time, Michelle, an awesome person from Kiwanis needs me to help her with a couple of Adopt a Grad appointments.  Not only that, she doesn't drive and needs a ride to the place.  I can't do it.  Quiz night takes priority status.  I feel bad letting her down but appointments should not have been made until either Kathy, Iris or I were back in town.  This is what happens when someone noses in where they shouldn't and does things they shouldn't.  Us ladies did not make those appointments for this week.  Oh well....can't be changed now.  And honestly, the mistake was made with the best of intentions in mind.

Taylor, my new roomie, is working out really well.  She is very clean and unobtrusive.  She spent an entire day cleaning what I thought was already a clean basement.  One thing kind of puzzles me though.

She asked me if I could please move that giant huge California king bed upstairs!  She wants to move her own queen bed in down there.  I asked her if she had been upstairs yet and taken a look.  Yes, she said, she had.  So I asked, where would I put that monstrous bed?  Oh, I guess there isn't room.  Well no, I said, there def isn't and for someone thats here for two months I can't be getting rid of things down there.  Thats why I charge only 200 bucks a month.  Sigh.  Youth.  She is a sweet girl.  She made herself a grilled cheese sammich for her supper last night and she offered to make me one.  I thought that was really nice of her. 

I noticed she had cut the crusts off her sammich.  I was teasing her about it and she said she didn't like that it was crusty bread (which it isn't really)  So I get the feeling she wouldn't like the stuff I cook.  She is not Anton...a human garbage pail.  He would eat anything and not complain.  Good lad.

I had best go now and remove things from walls and ledges...that jack hammer is unbelievable.  And I am going to eat.  I fried up sausages, onion and apple slices.  Looks delish.  TTYL

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Groooooooooan!  I was soooo full after dinner at Hy's!  Its now more than a day later and I am still full.

We had so much fun!  The evening turned out exactly, maybe even better, than I had hoped and aimed for.

Arnie, bless her, brought a wonderful picture of Bill and we put it up at the end of the table so he was definitely part of the event.  We told stories..and believe me there were a lot to pick from, some not so nice!  Hahahaha!!!  Poor Myles and Bradley, I think they wonder sometimes what kind of family they have tangled with.  And of course the more booze consumed, the louder we got!  There was a lot of raucous laughter!

Dinner was as spectacular as I remember Hy's being.  We ordered a bunch of appies to share...escargot, cheese bread, beef carpaccio, steak tartar, tuna tartar, caesar salad..maybe more, can't remember at the moment.  Was beyond delicious!

Lots of things were prepared table side, making for a lot of entertainment.  And many things were flambeed much to our excitement.  Our waiter, James, was amazing....and British!  That pleased Bradley to no end!

Anyway, I have posted some pictures of the dinner below.  I am at Arnie's at the moment and am heading home in about an hour.  It looks like another awesome day to travel.  My jeep window is beyond bug filthy and there is a big crack right across it right at eye level.  Which in itself is okay but the sun hits it just so and it becomes like a spotlight, right smack into my eyes...which aren't great at their best.

Just a quick note here...sleeping here at Arnie's is an adventure.  First of all, I have to share their sectional with Granddog, an eighty pound solid baleful snoring mass full of attitude.  Then there is wheezy sneezy snorey Molly, right there about six feet from me.  And best of all is Fred, the ancient talkative, and I mean loud and insistent








 talky cat.

So, realizing that there is no moving Granddog off the couch for love nor money, I adjust accordingly...half sitting with my feet on the coffee table.  I could move to the other section but its hot in here and the fan is right over my head on the Granddog section.  

So I settle in and I am exhausted, so I actually start snoring myself before I am even asleep yet!!!  How the hell does that happen?  So after snorting myself awake a few times, I finally drop off...soundly.  But around 12 thirty Granddog kicks me...hard!  I wake up and resettle but clearly the dog is dreaming!  Jerk jerk twitch twitch kick ick jiggle jiggle snore snore SNORE!  Holy Cow!!  Fortunately I am sleepy enough to go to sleep in spite of her.

A couple hours later I hear MEEEOOOW, MEEEOOOW, MEEEOOOW!  Fred is on the move and talking about it.  I don't know how they sleep through that!  So I listened to him meow for a while and dropped back to sleep.

Then, a while later, I was jolted awake by a gross throat gargle noise followed by what sounded like vomit hitting the floor.  Ah jeez!  I waited for the smell to hit me.  Fortunately by then Granddog, the culprit, had willing on her own moved to her bed on the floor.  And as I lay there thinking about all this, Molly starts yipping and twitching then snoring.

ahhhhhh....the life with animals!!  Good thing I love them all (except Molly)  TTYL

Sunday, May 6, 2018


On the road again.....I am sitting on April's couch. They are still in bed sleeping.  It is May sixth, my apologies for taking so long to write.  Its been a super busy full week.

I got home on Tuesday, took Wrangler to the pet resort on Wednesday and headed to Cookie's on Thursday.  And now its Sunday.

Whilst I was still in Penticton, I received a text from my sister asking if I would like to rent my basement to an intern at Urban Systems for the summer.  She is a friend of a friend of the Bootles up in Prince George.  I thought about it for a nano second, I actually did as I truly love living by myself, but on the other hand its nice to have someone in the home.  Its big and I can share.

So after dropping an excited, crazy happy Wrangler at his fave place in the world, I went home and went downstairs and loaded up Anton's leftovers into a bag and hid them away under the stairs.  There was a lot of Russian stuff!  I cleaned up and made the bed etc...  It really isn't a very suitable place, it has a lot of my stacked boxes down there and shared laundry etc..  Compared to other places that she had appointments to see, it is pretty rustic.  But because of that rusticism I would charge only 200 bucks a month.

She arrived with her father from Quesnel right on time.  Dad was checking things out to make sure she would be safe.  Well, she loved it!  And as we talked, it surfaced that both he and I were originally from Smithers.  In fact he told me he lived in Georgetown halfway between Telkwa and Quick...his last name is George.  So I impulsively blurt out..."You must be native!"  He laughed and said yes...and upon closer inspection he totally appeared native too.  What a dummy I can be.

We reminisced stories, some were mutual events we shared.  Soon they went off to see the other places but within twenty minutes they were back, they phoned and cancelled those visits and totally accepted my place.  Taylor is moving in next week and I couldn't be happier!

The trip down to Cook's was beautiful.  I did the Coke the whole way.  I was worried that the low road may have been flooded...and according to the news it is.

Cookie had gift certificates to a lovely restaurant out in Cloverdale called the Vault.  It used to be a bank.  I put a pic down below, you can sort of see the place.  Dinner was delicious.  I had lamb shank with mashed spuds!  Yummy!  Her sister Gail came as well and we had a wonderful time.

The next day was full of her children and grandchildren.  I just love that family and I got to meet one of the latest additions...eight month old Oakley, Tj's baby.  He is absolutely beautiful with very red hair!

Yesterday we went to Guilford Mall...a mall bigger than my original hometown.  I have not been shopping like that for about five years!  Such fun and I bought some stuff I don't really need but wanted.  I did over five thousand steps!  Pretty much all in that mall.  Then around four I headed over to April's, stopping on the way for teen burgers from A&W for supper.

On the way to Penticton last week I stopped in Merritt for a bite of food.  So I looked at all the many options near the highway turnoff, rejected them, then actually drove right down into Merritt to A&W and bought a teen burger (the absolute best burger on the planet...and I don't even like burgers much).  I had thoughts that I would get the burger, go find a nice field to picnic in while the dog ran around and played.  But no...I didn't even get out of the parking lot before I gorfed that thing down!  Soooo goooood!

In Penticton there is a place called Burger 55.  You go in, get a clip board with a paper on it that you check off all the boxes of what you want.  Bun type, meat type, all the additions and toppings and side dishes.  Well the average price of those burgers is fourteen dollars.    Its fun!

We did that one night, as we always do.  And the burger I created was pretty good, but couldn't hold a candle to the ten dollar cheaper teen burger from A&W.  I love those things!!!

Today would have been Spod's and my 29th aniversary.  He has been gone for three years now. So all year I have been saving bits of money here and there and now there is enough for me to take the two girls and their squeezes to Hy's for dinner.  The average meal there is about 75 bucks.  There is a bottle of wine that is over four thousand dollars!!!

But this was a special place that Bill would take me to on a rare special occasion.  He loved it there.  So to commemorate him we are going to gather there tonight and eat eat eat!!!  And we are going to drink prosecco and toast him.  I can't wait.  I shall surreptitiously take some pics to post here!  TTYL