Friday, May 11, 2018


I hate stupidity.  Especially when its coming from people you have absolutely no influence or control over.

Our property management here decided that all, and I mean ALL our carports have to be jackhammered up and replaced.  Like freaking 
WHY?????  They were fine.

So in moves this blasted company with a million trucks and equipment and they have taken up ALL the guest and extra resident parking.  ALL of it!!!!

Yesterday was my lucky day to have my carport ripped to pieces.  The jackhammer was so loud it freaked out Wrangler and it vibrated crap off window ledges and walls.  So I went out and took a look.  Mine is number four to be ripped up.  There are FIFTY carports in this complex.  FIFTY!!!

So I stomped out my front door and accosted a guy working away in MY carport.  I went up to his face and asked, "How f*cking long is this going to take?  When the f*ck are you going to get my carport done so I can park here again?"

Right now I have to park the only place left to park...way down by 7-11 on the street.  Well he tells me that they are going to be jackhammering EVERYBODY'S carports, one by one.  And as they go EVERYBODY has to go down and park on that one street.  Do you know how many cars that is?  Only about a hundred! There isn't enough room!

"When is this all going to be DONE?" I yell.  Well,lets see, he mumbles.  First we jackhammer, then we get dirt in and pack it down and make a base and then it will depend on when the cement can start being delivered.  Are you freaking kidding me?  Its going to be at least a month.

They have a piece of police type tape running from one post to the other, blocking off my carport.  To hell with that.  I told him I am ripping that down, I am parking IN my carport and they can let me know when the dirt is coming and then when the cement will be poured.  Jesus H Christ!

This was really stupid planning.  Fifty units, most of us with two, sometimes three vehicles and not one parking space for probably a month.  What a stupid gong show...all to replace perfectly good carports.  TTYL

ps:  sorry...excuse my French

1 comment:

  1. might be an idea to attend those strata meetings and do some venting there. It's your money they are using for their stupidity!
