Saturday, August 3, 2019


My trifle bowl!!!!  I have made a thousand trifles in my time in that bowl.  I am so sad.  I bought a new one a couple of years ago, very very similar.  The old one had tiny chips out of the rim.  But the new one just wasn't quite right.  It looked very similar but it was a titch off.  So I gave it to Sally Ann.  And now my beloved bowl broke today.

I don't use measuring cups, I go by the size of the pan, pot or bowl I am using.  Now, its true I occasionally have to dump my current mixture into a wee bit bigger pan, pot or bowl...but I try really hard not to do that.  I know how many vegetables to put in my soup in my copper pot.  I know how much flour to use in a batch of bread being made in my yellow enamel bowl.  And I know how many bananas it takes and how many packages of Sherrif pudding mix I need, and how how many banana bread pieces I need to fill my trifle bowl.   Sigh.

On another note, I am all curly again.  I decided to try out a new hairdresser here in town.  I did contemplate going to North Van to my really old one Annie.  Or to go back up to Kamloops to Orpha...she was super good.  But it would be pretty handy to find one here.

She is set up in her basement.  I must admit I was a wee tad worried.  Her place looked great but after chatting with her and showing pictures of me when my hair was exactly what I wanted, she kind of didn't get it. 

  I like my hair big....and wild....when its big it counterbalances the hump in my back.  (bad posture, fat, and double scoliosis). (shovel list, but I am used to it now and too old to give a crap). 
  I finally told her that and told her to stop trying to tame it down.  She finally either 'got it' or just didn't agree but the customer is always right.  She finally did what I went in there for.  Thank God!  It turned out great so that is another thing on my list checked off.

The next one was finding a serve me up gas station.  It rains here.  I have toxic hair that mustn't get wet and end up blinding me with little rivulets of toxic water running out of my hair.

So the only one in town is the Co-Op.  Become a member they say and you can own a little piece of it!  Sounds good to me!  So I pull in, the guy comes over, I tell him fill er up!  He does.  I give him my credit card and he goes to the wee booth right there and then, seriously!!!, he hollers out "What's your PIN number?"  WHAT?????  Are you kidding?  Turns out they don't have tap and the pin has to be put in manually.  So I lumber out, fortunately it wasn't raining at the moment, and go put it in.  So that kind of defeats the serve you option.  Geez!  Some things in this town are so unsophisticated, backwards and just plain dumb. Uncheck and keep looking.

So I am about to write a vent.  If you are vegetarian you might be pissed at what I am going to say, but then again you might just not give a hoot.

If you are a vegetarian.  Stop with this 'plant-based' meat thing.  I hate that phrase 'plant-based' when in actual fact its a chemical shit storm.  My sister and I bought some highly (by a fellow customer) recommended 'plant-based burgers'...yeah, burgers...not!

Anyway we took them to her place and cooked them up.  If you like mushy, tasteless pretend pink meat, then you are in luck.  And when we  read the ingredient list, we couldn't pronounce most of it and didn't recognize any of it.  We bought these in a health food, very pricey store.

So in my humble opinion, if you are saving cows, and I am all for that, don't get me wrong, get a REAL veggie, as opposed to 'plant-based', burger. You know the kind that are full of quinoa, or rice, or peas and carrots or black beans and real plant-based vegetables.  And they are way more super duper tasty!

So in closing, here is a quote I found on a health site.

"Plant-based meat is absolutely safe — but it's not a healthfood. While there's a lot of uncertainty in nutrition science, and meatless meat may avoid the cancer risks of red meat, for the most part, it is probably about as good for you as the meatit's imitating.May 28, 2019

Time to go bbq!  TTYL

1 comment:

  1. I couldn’t agree more! I’ll take a portobello mushroom barbecued as a burger over fake crap any day of the week! If I wanted to eat meat I’d eat meat not some sawdust chemical “burger” thank you very much!
