Sunday, October 4, 2020


Well the big family event is coming up this weekend.  Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, blah blah blah. As my family knows, including a four year old great niece (4 at the time), turkey dinner is my all time fave dinner to plan, shop for, cook, share, eat and do awesome things to leftovers.  And no hundred dollar pampered plump, and gayly galloping around the farm turkey for me.  I buy the cheapest Walmart turkey I can find and turn it into the most delicious.  They are under ten pounds and ten dollars.  Can't beat that!

And it isn't just the turkey and all that goes with it, per se.  Its the ritual, the anticipation of the whole event, the tradition of it.  My grandparents and their parents celebrated thanksgiving with the turkey.  The raising, the killing, the plucking and prepping.  Now we don't do that anymore but we do prep the dinner, sometimes all together, and then we anticipate and then exhilarate in the wondrous odour of that bird cooking!  Finally sitting down to a loaded table, both with food and rellies!  Tradition.  It's important.

Well that cannot happen this year.  THANK YOU VERY MUCH BAT EATING PEOPLE! But....I had a brilliant idea.  How about I make a turkey dinner on Friday and with that dinner I make delicious wraps....each one full of potatoes, stuffing, turkey, cranberry, sweet potato etc....Make them hot.  Wrap them up, into a cooler and take the whole enchilada to Tofino and picnic with Toonykoot!  We can have turkey dinner on the beach on the edge of the earth!!! I will put hot gravy in a thermos, pack some little dishes to dip the wraps in!   Plus we will throw in a pumpkin pie and a can of whipping cream.The other thermos I have I shall fill with coffee.  Yum!!!

Now some of you may remember I said I was going vegetarian and the reason for it.  And I have eaten very little meat since then.  Monte is also making this noble attempt.  I am quite capable of going cold turkey (sorry, small pun there) but have decided that on holidays, birthdays, company dinners (unless they are vegetarian) and very unexpected meat opportunities, we would relent and eat meat.  So far there has only been one legitimate such event.  Stan and Antonia visited and I made spaghetti, one of Antonia's fave meals.  Monte and I have really hardly eaten any meat for quite a while now.  And fortunately turkey wraps are in honour of a holiday! Oh!  Baloney is totally allowed.  Can't live without baloney sammiches.

Speaking of Stan and Antonia, we had such a lovely visit.  I love having them here.  We never ever run out of things to talk about.  Of course right now at this particular time in the general run of things, there is endless amounts to discuss.  We are living in the most amazing interesting time! Between Trump, covid, election here, election sure isn't boring!!!  So we visited and ate and visited more.  And Stan very graciously went downstairs to see Smooch....Monte's snake.  First person he has shown her to. I really appreciate Stan going down and taking a look.

So the only other excitement I have is watching the dogwood across the street slowly but surely turn red.  Who knew dogwoods turned red in the fall! I sit in my chair and stare at it, day after day after day after day.  Sigh.  Tv is crap now so no joy there.  I read incessantly.  But my eyes have gotten so bad its kind of tiring.  'whine'. I have been going through my small boxes stacked in my cupboard.  Thats been fun.  Yippee.  Okay.  Enough of this crap.  I'm outta here!  LOL!!  Keep healthy and be sure to noodle.  TTYL

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