Saturday, April 9, 2022


 Okay clearly we are on the same page Marg!!!  Monte and I have quit going into stores or meeting strangers too.  Trouble is Monte does run into new people over at Bryce's where he goes a lot.  And he has to go into Animal Ark to get rats for his snake.  And the new gal moving in to the rooms downstairs doesn't wear a mask in public.  So I think it is inevitable we will get covid sooner or later.  I have cleaned out the three sheds (well Graeme basically did) and cleaned out my junk drawers so the kids don't have to should I kick the bucket.  Figured it was only fair to them!

Monte brought Bryce home for dinner unexpectedly. Fortunately I had a roast in the oven, thawed a bag of my gravy, made splendiferous yorkies, skipped the potatoes and made a massive amount of green beans.  Delicious!!!  The only thing missing was my birthday present from my sister.  I am all out.  She always gives me a box of her home done pickled beets with a promise of a year's supply.  Unfortunately she lives in Kamloops.  Kind of hard to replenish! But the upside is that when there ARE pickles available, they steal the show.  It wouldn't matter how amazing my yorkies and gravy are, all the guests rave about are the pickles.  They really are that good!!! So when I don't have any, all they rave about is my gravy.  So there!

So the other day Mont and I decided to go picture hunting.  We drove over to Qualicum and headed up Island.  We stopped at a wonderful roadside cafe on the ocean for lunch.  One problem with that, I forgot to put my teeth in.  Jeez!!!!!  I have zero upper front teeth.  I do have a couple of teeth on the sides and no teeth down below except four front ones.  So I can eat but downright messily.

I ordered a grilled cheese sandwich and a tomato rice soup.  Neither were very good.  In fact I think half the sandwich is still sitting in the back of the truck. But I don't have too much trouble eating soup and sandwiches with no teeth, it was the pickle.  There was a long fat slice of dill pickle on the plate.  I picked it up and went to take a bite, forgetting that pickles cannot be gummed.  So then I slid it to the side of my mouth to get my one upper snaggle tooth into it to break a piece off.  Lets just say that by the time I was done there was pickle juice and slobber cascading down my chin and dripping onto my shirt. Poor Monte.  He was rightfully disgusted.

I am currently sitting in my bed, posting.  I have a bowl of left over cold cooked green beans with chunky salt on them on one side and a hot cup of coffee on the other.  I absolutely love cold cooked green beans and chunky salt.  Its better than fries!  Breakfast of champions!

We have been getting out every day looking for places to take pictures and go for walks.  I think we are going out to the fish ladders on the river today.  Its a nice little walk from the parking lot and its glorious sunshine out.  I think I will make a thermos of strong black coffee to take and maybe a roast beef sammich with horseradish and make a picnic of it.  I def will have to remember my teeth for that!

I decided I was going to absolutely keep the main part of the house clean, completely clean until Milly comes two weeks from Thursday.  I denude the kitchen counters as much as possible, wipe up little spills on the kitchen floor right away, nag the heck out of Monte to keep the table clean, nag Monte to keep the coffee table cleared off, nag Monte to keep the stairs clean etc.  And do the dishes and kitchen completely every single night.

Now I know that most of you already do that.  I have my friend Cookie and my sister Kathy in mind.  Their places are spotless every night when they go to bed.  Simply put, mine never is unless it's a Milly day.  And so far, it is now day three I have succeeded!  It feels so good!  I love getting up in the morning the place is pretty and clean.  I don't know how long I will be able to keep this up but I shall give it the old army try!

Speaking of clearing things up, I finally found someone to take out the three horrible ugly bushes out front of the house.  I hated them with a passion.  I honestly, and this IS a judgement, don't understand people that plant those frigging bushes.  They are ugly, smell bad and spread out inappropriately.  And neighbourhood cats like to spray them.  Everyone that plants things know this yet every frigging house I have lived in, and thats a lot of houses, has had awful junipers to get rid of.  There are so many pretty flowering bushes out there so why why why do people pick those ugly ones.  Shame on anyone who is responsible for that!!!!!

My latest purchase from Amazon, it came yesterday, is a souffle dish!  I used to make all sorts of soufflés in the past, cheese, chocolate, orange, pea and's kind of like poutine.  You can turn a soufflé into pretty much any flavour and they are super easy and fast to make.  Plus you can put it together in the morning, leave it on the counter and bake it later when you need it.  I used to make them a lots in Monte Creek.  And best part?  The savoury ones are low carb!

Well enough food talk.  The only problem with having the house clean is there is very little to do with your time when you get up!  I will probably be blogging more often now!  Maybe I will blog and post pics on the days we go a'walkin!  Take care folks and try making a soufflé!  TTYL

"The only thing that makes a soufflé fall is if it knows you are afraid of it."  James Beard



Qualicum Beach







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