Friday, April 15, 2022


Everyone is familiar with that hoarder show on TLC.  I actually gag when I watch that show and I am not a gagger like someone I know who you are!!!!  There are different types of hoarders I have learned.  There are animal hoarders, garbage hoarders, memory hoarders, people hoarders (you know, those people that can't go anywhere without befriending every two legged creature within sight and inviting them home for dinner), lazy people posing as OCD hoarders etc....  But I think they missed labelling one.   And I admit that I am one. They need a category called 'Horror Hoarders'!  Those are the ones that don't realize they are hoarding something but when they do see it, they are horrified!

I decided to reorganize my cabinet in my room that holds the majority of my clothing.  And, unable to help myself I counted my shirts.  I have 43 shirts, so far anyway.  There are probably some missing from the count.  Forty Three!!!!  I couldn't believe it!!!  And I don't think I have thrown even one out since our house burnt down, even the torn or stained ones. The house burnt down in 2003.  Holy Hannah!!!!

So I sat down on the bed and gave myself some time to ponder this crazy affliction.  Why?  Why do I have so many shirts? And thats just t-shirt types, not even my blouses.  I have a lot of those too.  And I did figure it out.

I am not OCD.  I am fat.  Yup.  That is exactly why.  When a fat broad gets a shirt that fits, you hang on to it way past it's due date.  And I think it may have something to do with that fire taking away every piece of clothing I had built up over the years.  I remember panicking.  I had one outfit, the one I had on....jeans and a t-shirt...which I still have by the way.

Today I decided to sort, chuck, repurpose and keep my shirt hoard.  And I did not chuck or repurpose even one shirt.  I kept every single one.  I just can't throw them out.  I can't.  I have a much deeper (unwanted) understanding of hoarders now.  I guess if the nazi's were coming with guns aimed at me with orders to shoot if I didn't eliminate half my shirts, I would eliminate half my shirts, but I would be totally pissed off.  I would rather eat a bowl of rice pudding, that is my default comparison. My stomach slams shut if I even try to swallow a spoonful.  I simply hate beyond hate rice pudding so its saying something if I say I would rather eat it than throw out shirts in the face of a hoard of gun toting scary men.

There is actually one more item I hoard I will admit. I hoard books.  And I call it hoarding when it reaches the point where I have so many more books than I can read in the next ten years, the life I have left.  But no one would ever know I hoard them.  Know why?  They are all somewhere where no one will ever see them....on my kindle!  So that doesn't count as hoarding..right?  I cannot resist a book that looks good and is right up my ally.  And I read on average three to four books per week.  I counted it out and unless I read an extra book every day, I will not be able to  read every book on my computer.  Thank goodness most of them were either free or under 2 bucks.

As the long time readers of this thing know, I have no problem throwing things out.  In fact I love it.  But when it comes to clothes that fit me, or deleting books, nope.  Can't do it and won't do it.  So please do me a favour, I may love you to pieces but don't ask for the shirt off my back.  You won't get it.  Stay safe be happy!!  TTYL

'Some are saving their right now for later, when tomorrow could be never.'  Justin K McFarlane Beau

Maui memory....Myles and find April!

Myles, April, Cookie and Spod (Billy)

GODOT hole

the King of the house

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