Monday, April 15, 2013


I have been sitting here for a while, wracking my brain, trying to remember what the heck we did yesterday before leaving for Makawao at one.  And I just remembered that Brian and I watched the Masters golf, right to the end.  I had to take the occasional foray into the bedroom to cool off.  I keep it at a lovely 65 degrees and it was like a steam bath out here (for me) so I would cool off and then come back out.  I really really enjoyed  watching golf with someone that explained all those little rules and things I would never be able to find out any other way. was nice to watch golf with someone else and not get totally ridiculed by Bill.  If I try to watch it at home he is so scathing we just end up fighting...well he was totally outnumbered yesterday.  Even Cookie watched a bit while she read.

We went up to Makawao and walked the walk.  Bill and I ended up in a new store that has just opened.  It had by far the most beautiful stuff on the street.  Jemma, the owner, has a family that makes beautiful things, one of which are cheeseboards that have inlaid turquoise, or tiny rocks.  I LOVE the rocks one so we ended up buying one.  I put pics below, mostly because its too hard to describe in just a few words!  When we finished with Makawao we headed to Lahaina as planned.

We had so much fun on Front street!  In and out of stores, sitting on benches watching the world go by, looking for Dave's BBQ where we were meeting Cookie and Brian for dinner.  As dinner time got close we realized we were having trouble finding the place.  We all thought we knew where it was but we couldn't find it.  I finally popped into a store and asked, to find out they had closed.  Jeez!!  This keeps happening on this Island.  So we ended up at Cheeseburgers in Paradise, had a good dinner and headed home.  Cook and I sat out on the lanai visiting until about 9:30 and by then both Bill and Brian were in bed asleep.

When I went into the bedroom I decided to have a good hunt for that damned gecko.  I moved pictures on the wall, I got down and looked under furniture, I looked behind the blinds, I looked under the pile of laundry, I even looked in our drawers.  No gecko!  Its there, I know it, I can feel him and I know he stares at me at night when I am sleeping.

Now its our last day :(  Brian is golfing until one so I think Cook and I are going to go to the pool.  Afterwards, I am not sure.  TTYL  ps...again...the pics are mixed up and I just can't figure out why this happens.






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