Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I got up this morning and, as I have every morning, the moment I step into the hallway, I look towards the guest room to see if anyone is up.  This morning I saw a perfectly made bed and no people.  It is so quiet here now.  And another thing...its messy, already!  We need Brian here!

Yesterday morning we dropped them off at the airport and did the only thing we could think of to cheer ourselves up...we went to Costco.  We took our merry time inching through every aisle looking at all the stuff, almost buying useless stuff, putting it back, taste testing and reading books.  Eventually we got our stuff and headed out to the hot dog area and had lunch, slowly.  Finally we were heading home when I noticed that their plane was due to take off in 15 minutes.

We headed for the end of the runway beach, so beautiful there, and within a few minutes their plane flew overhead.  We then headed home and didn't do much of anything til bedtime.

I opened the front door this morning to let some air in and to listen to the birds.  A few minutes ago the lady next door, Maria, was coming back from dropping her son off at school.  We got talking.  Apparently, unlike everyone else in this complex, she is NOT afraid of Don (the head honcho that runs this complex) and had it out with him yesterday!!!  Holy Moly!!  No one, and I mean no one ever argues with Don...but she had the cajones to do it!!!  She told him that while rules are for sure necessary, she felt that he and his minions simply go too far.  She said It felt like we were living in a dictatorship, and she had counted how many times they had told them what they could and could not do and it was mounting up to the kind of numbers that only happen under tyranny.  And, apparently, they were very apologetic but firm and she was told that eviction was not out of the question.  Jeesh!!!  But she is a real estate agent/manager and knows the rules inside out and is prepared to stand her ground.  They may be sorry they picked her to fill the rental next door!!!

So now another day.  I am heading to the pool for a couple of hours and I do believe Bill is going to the bank and going to home depot to buy a security screen door to replace the one we have, which is perfectly good by the way

, just a little rusty and it doesn't look good.  Definitely a throw away society.  I am going to continue to blog each day.  So, until tomorrow...TTYL