Sunday, April 28, 2013


The pool was so much fun yesterday.  We went over as per usual and did our half hour of ploughing through the water.  It seems to be such good exercise.  After Bill left, it being Sat., people started to streams.  And they were carrying balloons, tin foil pans of food, gaily wrapped presents, boom boxes, babies, little kids etc...Two different parties set up in the two areas just for that.  They fired up the bbq's that are over there, put on happy music and laughed and played.  It was so cool to listen to.  I ended up staying over there a little longer than normal.  I think I was secretly hoping that they were going to bring me a plate of food!  I was even imagining in my head what would be on that plate:  mac and cheese, bbq chicken, coleslaw, potato salad, rolls, poke, all the things I must NOT eat!

That being said, my sugar number is now down to 7!  Certainly better than 24.  Gotta get it to 4 though, and then keep it there.  I can't get over how much better I feel.  At least once every couple of days I would get clammy, dizzy, pukey,  tired.  That just doesn't happen anymore thank God, it was scary.  But I think the biggest plus is not being insanely thirsty.  I remember when we were in Bangkok, we got off the river boat we were touring through the city, to go into this amazing place for an incredible artistic buffet lunch.  I was so thirsty I was almost panicking.  I was actually looking at peoples half drunk water bottles, and actually contemplating asking them if I could finish it for them.  Everybody at that end of our table had a bottle of water at their place setting.  When the people beside me went up to get their food I took their bottle of water and drank it down, I drank mine, Bill gave me his, they brought me another one.  I was still thirsty.  Everywhere we went I would have to plan water.  Take it, find it, buy it, steal it, borrow it.  Kind of reminded me of when I smoked.  You always had to plan ahead, remember to bring them, do you have enough?, find a store to buy more.  So freeing to NOT be thirsty!!!!!!!

When I got back from the pool I packed up a picnic supper, loaded the car, burnt a cd of Monte's Dragons ep and we hit the road.  An incredible beautiful day.  I....LOVE.....THAT......ROAD.  I don't know just exactly what it is about it out there, maybe the isolation, the big open sky, the amazing colour of the ocean, the crayola quality of the scenery, the strong winds that are always blowing,  but I love it.  We found a windy high perch and ate tuna salad, chicken salad, on lettuce and drank milky coffee.  Bill was sitting up wind from me and now and then the strong winds would blow his salad off his fork and it would smack me right in my neck.  So funny.

It was dark by the time we got home and we totally enjoyed Monte's music all the way.  I think he is pretty talented but of course I am biased.  I just know theres no way in hell I could dream up those lyrics and melodies.  I was in bed by 9:30, and thanks to low sugar numbers I didn't have to get up even once.  I feel like a million bucks this morning.  Oh yeah, I did get all my clothes packed last night and I packed a box full of chocolates, placemats, shredded hash browns (Costco sells the most innovated hash browns you ever saw and they don't sell them at home) April's shoes and a whole load of Omaperzole....the stomach medicine I pay hugely for and they just plain sell it over the counter at Costco.

The pics today will mostly be repeats for my facebook friends.  I try to keep them different but I can't always do that.  Sorry.  TTYL

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