Monday, August 10, 2015


Occasionally I write a whole long post and something happens and it disappears...never to be found again.  I don't know where they go and no matter how hard you try, you can't re write it.  It just doesn't come out right.

That happened about a week ago.  I wrote this whole diatribe about something and poof! it disappeared.  I swear I have an invisible lappy moderator...keeping me from making a fool of myself ...  some of the time.

The one that went missing last was about awful people.  If you are one of those bleeding heart goodies that think people are wonderful and a blessing in your lives...well just read the comments on any news article you come across on the internet.  Within three comments it turns right ugly.  It is truly amazing how many horrible people there are out there, trolling through stories, just looking for one where they can stir up crap and shock people.  And there are always way more ugly awful comments than good ones.  This just reinforces my dislike of people in general.

Monte went into the lab to get some bloodwork done.  It was approximately three in the afternoon.  He had been up late late the night before, so when he got up late in the day, he had not eaten or drunk anything long enough to go the lab.  The first thing the lab tech did was give him shit for not eating or drinking anything until so late in the day.  He told her that he had been working late, got to bed late, and had just awakened.  She says "I can tell" then jabbed him and wouldn't talk to him anymore.  WTF?  Why?  How can one look you straight in the eye and be rude?

Speaking of Monte, he is loving his job and making a fair amount of money.  But tonite some idiot slashed one of his tires where he was parked right beside Panago.  He sat on the phone waiting for BCAA to answer, which never did happen, til  I told him in a text that they were locked out and wouldn't be coming any time soon.  (shovel list...I want my ninety bucks back).  It didn't occur to him to try to change the tire himself.  So I refused to help him and told him to figure it out...he had never changed one before.  I seriously fell down on my parental job there!

But he figured it out, after a couple of phone calls for some input.  The sad thing is now he has to spend about three or four days worth of earnings getting a new tire.  That one is toast.  Who would do that?  Do you just walk around with a knife in your pocket and slash random tires?

Hmmmm...upon re reading this post I am sounding a little cynical and not happy.  Its true I am cynical but I am super happy.  I absolutely love living here again.  There is no doubt that this is where I belong.  And I love my house.  Its perfect.  And as I empty it out it just gets better and better.  Today Monte took all the cardboard and styrofoam  out of the garage.  My storage room is getting emptier by the day.  Perfect!

Now I await my keyboard.  Oh and my jeep.  I also ordered a bunch of new music books.  I love parcels coming to the house.  I always forget what I ordered and its like a little mini xmas.  There are some size 16 black runners coming on Wed. for Monte.  Oh and a mandolin (the kitchen kind) from Stokes.  I have needed one for a long time. 

 I think I would like to make some bread and butter pickles.  I really like them in sandwiches and you can't make those pickles without something that slices and dices!  I don't even know if its cucumber time yet or if its over.  And thanks to Bill's impulsive buying habits I have approximately six gallons of vinegar somewhere in this house.  About six years ago I bought a giant bag of sugar and it's been dragged along from house to house...we hardly ever use sugar.  So I can put it to good use along with the vinegar and make pickles.

Once again I have concluded that I should not write posts after one in the morning.  They are rambley and stupid.  Sorry.  I will stop now.  TTYL

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