Thursday, May 5, 2022


It has been crazy busy around here this past week.  We finally finished moving Ange in downstairs!  Took a number of trips back and forth and she had a couple guys she hired to do the big stuff.  But she is all set down there, cozy and comfy and she is loving it!  Ange is so easy to get along with and its so awesome to have a female 'roommate'!  It kind of lets Monte off the hook too.  He doesn't feel so responsible for leaving me alone a lot now.

We made a trip to Nanaimo yesterday.  And I am now a very proud owner of a new camera!  It is fantastic.  For those in the know it is a Canon DSLR, mirrorless, full frame with a lens that is 24 to 240.  It is fantastic!  So much so I took the wrist strap off Buster, my old D90 and switched it over.  I love it!  When I get some pics, which will be next post, I shall show you!  Mind you I still think old Buster did a pretty fine job.

I think I mentioned that back on April 19th the Rat Buster came and sealed up everything and set some traps.  For 450 bucks, outrageous, he was coming back once a week to clean out the traps and reset them for one month.  We haven't seen hide nor hair of him since.  I am pissed right off.  That is two visits he has missed so far.  So this afternoon I am going to call them, give 'em hell and either take care of the problem myself and get my money back, or extend the contract.  What the hell is wrong with the frigging people in this town.  They are so unprofessional and flakey.  I am mad!!!!  All in all I paid 750 bucks to him and he did less than half his job.  So far.

Ange has bought herself a humble camera and the three of us will be picture hunting.  She is familiar with more places around here we can go.  It is so much fun.  You round a corner out in the bush on a logging road and voila! there is a wonderful place to hop out and get pics.  Out of the three of us Monte has the real eye.  His pics are amazing. He mostly uses film and those pics just have a different feel and patina to them.

We stopped a Coombs yesterday.  Oh Geez!!!!  We never get out of there without a big box of goodies.  Four kinds of cheeses, four or five kinds of sausage or salami, baguette or focaccia, spanakopita, candied salmon, Riviera butter (which isn't the same as it used to disappointing), ginger bread loaf (Ange)...crazy good stuff. I also bought a small packet of Monterey Jill cheese.  It was pretty good!

In Nanaimo at the mall where there is a London Drugs there is a grocery store called Fairway.  I didn't go in, mostly because I don't have even one inch of room in my pantry, or fridge or kitchen shelf, or my big red cabinet.  Seriously.  Zero room.  So I holler after Monte, 'Don't buy anything.  If you do you have to put it away.  And good luck with that!!'

He comes back with a bag.  It has about six or eight jars in it.  Three of them are crispy chilli oil, which we can't get here in Port of course.  I didn't even look at what the other stuff was.  And I see that they have been nicely set on top of the big red box that holds all my envelopes of flavourings like chilli, taco, mushroom soup mix etc...  Thanx Monte.  Now I can't get into my box.  That box sits on a red bench in the dining room beside my row of cook books.  There is simply no room left for anything!!!!!

Ah jeez.  I gotta go.  I hear my turrlet running.  I tell everyone to flush the turrlet gently or it runs.  But it seems that is a hard concept for people.  And we pay dearly for our water here.  Methinks I am going to have to make a sign and tape it to the John.  Mostly to remind them.  I guess the lid off the top of the toilet and leaning on the wall isn't enough of a clue.


Well I shall be posting a little sooner next time.  Jeez when I see how many times I backspace, deleting typing mistakes, I think of typewriters and how we used to have to haul out the white out or the erase strips and slowly correct a typing error.  Now we just back space and retype.  We can be as sloppy and uncareful as we want these days!  Thats it for today.  Stay healthy and safe.  TTYL




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