Monday, May 9, 2022


Mother's Day is the most important day of the year to me.  More important than my birthday.  More important than Xmas and all holidays in between.  Actually what I should say is its the most meaningful day.  Some years ago I started to say that out loud, around my kids.  They definitely got the message!!!  Although I think they would have come up with the importance on their own, I must say.

I always end up with beautiful flowers one way or the other.  This year they sent money to Monte who tore out and when he came back he came back with a beautiful armful of roses and flowers. I so so love them!

Then yesterday Monte and I went to Parksville to the Masala Hut and had an amazing Indian feast!  It was delicious!  Naan, roti, dips and chutneys, onion cakes, fish pakoras, veggie pakoras, aloo gobi (potato and cauliflower), eggplant mush, a hot sauced paneer (cheese) and lamb saag.  So so good and half of it came home with us!

It was such a beautiful day yesterday so we went for a long drive.  Eventually it took us past the Teshat Market, our native gas station, pot store and grocery store.  Arnie was looking for a specific native jigsaw puzzle and they had it!  So I picked one up for her.  We didn't take even one picture of anything!

Monte believes everything happens in threes.  Firstly he sold a lens he has for 600 dollars on FB Market place.  He was so happy.  He made sure that the interac email payment came, he has auto deposit, then mailed it off to an address in Surrey.  When he left the post office and was sitting in the van, he double checked his deposit and it came from an aol(?) address, a scam address and of course it didn't deposit a dime.  So he tore off into the post office and they said that they couldn't give it back to him.  He phoned the main post office and made arrangements for the package to be intercepted and sent back to him.  He then phoned the police and reported it.  They were very interested and called him back later for more info.  He did get it back, feeling stupid.

Then on his way home he got pulled over for speeding, something I nag him about all the time.  The cop really like his last name, Heyman, and he liked Monte so he did give him a ticket, but a really cheap one.  This always happens to him.  He is likable and gets away with stuff.  He came home feeling stupid.

Then last night when he got home from his friend's house, he was collecting up his stuff, he picked up a can of some kind of boozy drink his friend gave him and it exploded, right smack into his camera bag.  His DSLR got soaked.  And it no longer works.  Jeez!!!  It is sitting on the coffee table in a giant ziplock full of rice.  He was so down and disheartened last night.  Beaten down.  Fingers crossed, this is it.

It's so nice having Ange here.  It really is.  She and I get along super well.  She is extremely smart and she is one of the most well read people I know.  She reads Michener, Rutherford and any other book she can pick up! She is a big big fantasy fan too. That being said there was a humungous book fair the other day, and we went!  It was huge in there and not overly crowded so I donned my R95 respirator and headed in.  I came out later, loaded down!  I bought eight almost brand new Company's Coming recipe books!  I collect them!  I also got a couple of books off the Vancouver Island table.  I love book fairs, even though I almost can't read regular paper books now.  I need those senior books with giant printing!!!Ange came out more loaded down than me.  She doesn't have tv yet.  I am waiting to see if Telus is going to charge me that 168 for the technician coming to the house to fix THEIR equipment.  If they do I will become a Shaw customer and they can get stuffed for their bill and contract.  When I know, I will then get her hooked up with whomever wins out. So for now she reads reads reads!

Well I best get off my duff and clean the kitchen.  I have been pretty good at keeping it clean.  Right now it needs a tweaking and it is already mid afternoon.  And I need to go outside right now and chase some cats out of the yard!  I am outside chasing cats and stupid deer away so often!  Especially cats!  At least the deer don't crap right where we will be weeding!

Stay safe, be happy and TTYL

'If all our misfortunes were laid in one common heap, whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be contented to take their own and depart.'  Solon




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