Wednesday, January 17, 2024


  It is so awesome to be here with April and Myles.  And I got to see Aryn and Bradley!!!!!  I just don't get to see enough of my kids.  Aryn and Bradley are heading off to Alberta and will be gone for two or three months.  They will be in an indescribably beautiful place, very isolated but nestled in the rockies...looking just like a picture from a calendar.

It's so nice to be here too.  Myles is the sweetest guy!  He sat with us tonite and we watched a couple of truly laugh out loud movies.  Crazy!!!

Earlier I made pea soup.  I had brought a very hammy bone with me and a bag of split peas.  So pea soup for supper it twas!  And with it was a slice of a wonderful loaf of soda bread that Arnie had made and brought over.  It was delicious.  A perfect simple meal for cold weather.

The trip over was pretty uneventful.  I did go upstairs to the cafeteria for a bowl of soup.  It was delish.  I didn't stay up there too long.  There were throngs of coughing people up there and I do not want flu or covid right now...or ever for that matter.  I started to read a book and fell asleep.  There was still over an hour to go.  I woke up to a bump of some sort only to find that we were all docked and unloading!  Jeez!!!  I got myself organized as quick as possible and off the ferry we went.  I would have died of embarrassment if someone had had to bang on the roof of my car!!!

April is off to work tomorrow for the next five weeks.  I shall be Leeloo walking and playing.  There has been a prediction of a snow dump tonight. We shall see.  April is going to walk to work.  It's a 45 min walk but there is zero chance of finding parking any closer than we are here.  This stupid city.  It has become one of the big boys on the world map and no parking and over crowding and paying big money to enter parks just what comes with that.  It is too bad.  Peter principle for a city.

It feels weird not having wheels.  Not that I would want to drive in the snow.  But the snow isn't going to last very long.  It hardly ever does.

It is now the next morning, Wed.  And yes, it snowed like hell.  All schools in BC are closed.

I would like to go to Kin's and pick up veggies.  I did bring my protein drink powder and the shake maker. I haven't used it lately.  I also brought a bunch of 1 carb tortillas.  They come in really handy.  You can stuff them any way you want...eggs, lettuce wrap leftovers, cheese.  But I need peppers and green onions and cucumbers etc...The snow has kind of thrown a spanner into the mix.

So right now I am going to shower, dress, clean the kitchen and walk Leeloo and read my book.  Oh what a day!!!!  I love it.  I do miss Monte and Ange though.  It feels weird not seeing them.  Ange sent me a couple of pics this morning of the tremendous amount of snow there.  Way more than here!

Well thats it for now.  I shall check in again in a couple of days or if and when something happens.  TTYL

'Obesity is a prison:  In the US we spend more to treat type 2 diabetes each year than on education.'  David Letterman

the start of this quote pisses me off.  The diabetes develops before the getting fat.  Now it is true there are lots of  people who are overweight that develop diabetes, that happens.  But....many many many of us are NOT fat when we develop the disease.  I was skinny as hell when I got it.  They have scientifically researched and proven that type 2 diabetes CAUSES weight gain, weight that is super hard to get off.  So It is time to change the tune people.  Lots and lots of really overweight huge fat people are perfectly free of any type of diabetes.  And lots and lots and lots of skinny people develop it....and gain weight. David Letterman needs to bone up on his science.

Ps:  I just read anonymous's comment.  She asked how Cookie and I met.  We met in Kamloops in grade ten, at school and became fast friends.  We made a pact that we never criticize each other.  Even then we could see what that causes between friends and to this day, almost sixty years later we have never ever had a fight.  Not one!!!  She is one of the truly most amazing people in this world.  She is the only other than close family in this world that if I were in far away Africa and something catastrophic happened in her life I would immediately fly home to her.  And Bill totally agreed.  And thanks for asking Anonymous!!!


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