Friday, January 5, 2024


 Pessimistic.  Yup.  The insurance will be covering the inside damage.  But there is asbestos involved and asbestos rules changed January 2.  So that will delay the whole process by at least a month.  In the meantime the whole area over there is wet again.  I have a feeling it is going to end up being a plumbing issue.  And that is an easy fix.

It has been super quiet around here since xmas.  Monte and I did stay up New Years to watch the ball drop.  I used love watching the Dick Clark show but not so much this year.  In fact we muted the tv until the ball started dropping.  I hate Motown, rhythm and blues and rap (and I hesitate to include rap in a 'music' list, its just talking dirty, no singing and crotch grabbing and when they run out of words they go uuuh uuuh uuuh, in a grunting manner).

Anyway we watched the ball and happy new yeared each other then went to bed.  Unless you are planning to attend or throw a party there isn't much point to New Years.  And I can't say two people is much of a party. 

 I remember one year when we were driving south with the dogs and kids one xmas, we landed in Yuma for New years eve.  Our hotel was right on the time line so at twelve on one side the bells and horns and fireworks went off.  Then exactly one hour later they did it again!!  So we got two that year!

I am refusing to take my tree down.  I love sitting here looking at the lights and symmetry of the little tree.  It is so pretty.  If I had my way I would leave it up year round!  Plus when it comes down I have to find a place for the big trunk that came out of the guest room/now Monte's room.  It is in the middle of the living room floor being used as a coffee table.  I think it will make its way down to the new guest room when we make it after the insurance fixes every thing.

On the fifteenth I am driving Monte's van over to April's.  Bradley and Aryn will pick it up from there and use it for the next few months for transferring scaffolding to their next job in Alberta.

I am going to stay at Ape's for a couple of weeks.  She is working in a kids' clinic for five weeks and Leeloo will be alone for too long during the day.  She can and has done it but I am quite happy to slide onto their couch and granddoggy sit.  Then after two weeks I am taking LL home with me while she finishes her stint at the clinic.  I am pretty stoked about it.  I love that little mutt.

I read a recipe for shepherd's pie.  Just to see if I am missing a key ingredient or something.  OMG!!!!!  I was absolutely laughing by the end of it.  One precise careful recipe actually weighed the potatoes with a kitchen scale so the potato puff on top would be the proper ratio to the meat below section!!  I couldn't believe what I was reading.  If you followed their step by step instructions it would take all day!

The first thing I did with mine was make a crap load of gravy from some frozen beef tallow I had.  I then cooked and mashed the potatoes with sour cream and a load of Montreal steak spice. (makes it totally taste like baked potatoes).  I steamed some carrots then whomped them down to small size.  Then fried onions, hamburger meat, squirted ketchup in, added carrots and frozen peas.  I dumped it in the casserole dish.  I added gravy.  Then I piled about ten pounds of mash on top and baked it.  It was so far from all the careful recipes.  And it was totally delicious and enough leftovers for several lunches and enough gravy to fill several containers for future.  Okay.  That's my food talk for this post!

Now it is time for laundry.  It is piled sky high down there.  It is pretty much all Monte's, clothes and bedding.  He sleeps all day then is up all night, usually working.  He can't do laundry in the night as it keeps Ange awake so I do it during the day for him.  It's better that way anyway.  Keeps order in that room!!  

At one today, Ange and I are going down to a new used book store opening.  I don't read real books.  It kills trees and pollutes with their ink. Plus I am near blind and the kindle solves that issue. But Ange does so this store will be perfect for her.  I prolly won't go in so I will do a NYtimes crossword whilst I wait.

Gotta bounce.  I procrastinate!  Have an awesome day and TTYL

'I love when I wash a tissue with the laundry....said no one ever!.'  no-one 


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