Thursday, December 28, 2023


 Have I mentioned I am truly not a fan of insurance.  I think insurance is at the base of a lot of fear mongering and over carefulness on the part of companies.  Cover your ass policies to the nth degree and the detriment of the general public.

As such, I just finished talking to the insurance guy about the wetness happening in the bedroom corner downstairs.  Like a dog on a bone he wants to know exactly when we first knew about it.  I told him I am not sure, it's a room I am never in, and Monte isn't sure when it started, but he wouldn't let it go.  My first prediction is they will find it has been going on too long for insurance to cover it, whether it has or not.

Then he listed all the ways, at my insistence, it won't be covered.  It pretty much covered everything.  I just got an email from him insisting on an 'exact date'.  Geez!!!!!

So I am now going through my finances planning on the thousands of dollars it's going to cost to fix it.  There does come a time when one starts considering the possibility of having to sell and start renting. My money does NOT come from a bottomless pit.

This has not been the best doubt about that.  I think I will stop now.  It isn't going to get better here in this post!  Lol!!!  Sorry folks.  I promise the next post will be better.  TTYL

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