Tuesday, June 4, 2024


Holy moly!!!  An explosion of fun!  I am not used to this.  It's a far cry from my chair life at home!!!!

The trip over was totally uneventful.  Ape and Myles were at the Boulevard having a bbq with a bunch of their friends, not due home til late.  That was fine as I have a key to their place.

The only kicker to this was my suitcase.  Holy Crap!!!  It must have weighed a hundred pounds.  I had to get it from the car at the bottom of the stairs up two flights.  I gotta tell ya it almost killed me.  

They got home around ten.  April was 'happy happy' and Myles was totally a normal happy.  So the next hour or two were pretty funny.  But...

Poor Ape was so sick the next day.  Her tummy gives her an immeasurable amount of trouble.  The poor kid was in really rough shape.  It just isn't fair.

So we ended up staying home.  Her tummy cleared up around lunch time so we watched three movies in a row.  The one I remember most was Where the Crawdads sing.  It was good but basically a Harlequin romance.  Now the one about Mr. Kellogg, Unfrosted, was fun and slapstick.  Then we watched The Menu with Ralph Fines.  Oh My God!!!  It is not for the fainthearted but I totally highly  recommend it.  The shock value is worth it!!!  We had a cozy awesome stay at home Sunday.

Monday we took off at ten to Langley.  We headed to a wedding dress place.  First we found a Starbucks and had a terrible coffee.  I asked for a 'light' cappuccino and it weighed the same as April's latte.   But worse than that it was disgustingly weak.  Some baristas need more training and less gossiping whilst making things.

So in to the dress shop we went.  The dresses were insanely beautiful!!!  And this particular place is the cheapest in town.  One hoity toity dress shop she had looked into down town, just to make an appointment,  which nowadays you have to pay for by the way, said this place out in Langley is the 'Walmart' of wedding dresses!!!  Maybe but the dresses were amazing and affordable.  Good old Walmart wins again in my book.

Then later, back home again, we took off to Kitsilano


to have dinner at the restaurant that they were considering for catering the wedding.  It basically was a tasting, but we got the full on dishes, not itty bitty bites.  OMG!!!  It was absolutely amazing!  And tons of food!  And half the price of anywhere else!  It's an all women restaurant and caterers from Syria.  The food was outrageously good.

Now I am sitting on April's couch, blogging and about to go make some toast.  Aryn and Bradley are picking me up around 2 to go and stay at their place for a few days.  Aryn's birthday is tomorrow and Bradley is taking us out to this special Italian place down the end of Fourth Ave.  The chef has a special menu of several courses that he serves one by one.  I am so excited.  I haven't had real exquisite Italian food in a very long time.  I will try to remember to take pictures!

So all in all it has been an amazing few days.  I always love being here at Myles and April's.  We have such a good time.  I hope all is going okay at home.

The pic of April put here with her permission, is the very first dress she tried on.  When she first came out of the dressing room we both had a moment.  She was in shock seeing herself in an actual wedding dress.  She has been planning this since she was a little girl apparently and the moment was very surreal to her, and kind of stayed that way for the whole day.  For me, I was overcome with mommy of the bride emotions.  It was soooo special.  She tried on tons of dresses, but not any were 'the' one.  Came close though.  I loved this first dress but it isn't what she really felt was right.  

So I shall be back here on Sunday.  I won't want to leave Aryn and Bradley's!!!!  She texted me yesterday and asked what I would like for snacks!  Like who does that?  So I told her a gala apple, an orange, pea pods and broccoli and dip and hummus and Diet Pepsi and a pack of Benson and Hedges menthol cigarettes. (for those that don't know I quit smoking them 25 years ago). Do you know what she said?  "I can't get the cigs, you haven't written me a note!!!"  I almost died laughing!!!  When she was a wee one I would write a note and send her across the grass to the neighbourhood store to buy me cigarettes.  She could get herself a juice box, a mega never have treat in our house.  I have such funny kids!!!

That's it for today folks.  Sorry it took so long.  I will post on Sunday.   TTYL

'This is more than just a wedding dress.  It is the embodiment of a dream come true.'  Keoula Wheeler



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